Part 25

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Anthony's P.O.V

As i loaded my stuff into my car and got in, I sat there for quite a while, looking up to Mary's apartment. It sounds stupid but I instantly missed her, although it didn't pass that much time. I gathered all my strength, lighting up a cigarette and starting the engine. As I was driving to the hotel where Lindy was waiting, my head filling up with thoughts. One thing I wasn't looking forward to, is Flea having a serious conversation with me about the last days, which I sensed would come sooner or later. I arrived at the hotel, Flea,Chad and Lindy already waiting for me in the lobby. We sat down and started talking about the upcoming tour "So were starting in Holland!" Lindy said, the flight goes today, but we'll have one day in New York" This somehow calmed me down, i was glad we didn't go on a long ass flight already ,cause I would not be able to handle this. "Can someone please tell John?" Lindy said, when I asked "Why? Didn't you see him yet?" Lindy just shaking his head "he keeps his hotel room locked all morning now" I wanted to say something but Flea already gave me the look "Don't worry Lindy, we'll tell John and focus on the tour!" he said. "Great, that's what I wanted to hear. So we're leaving in about two hours to the airport, see you again here!" Lindy said, as he left I knew what doomed me with Flea. It's like Chad sensed that cause he left now for his room. Flea took a deep breath now "Anthony?" he asked and I was like, oh god I knew it. "Yes?" "Man you know I love you, but the shit that went down the last two days, really made me mad!" Flea said, while I was sitting with my hands crossed, really ashamed to be honest. "Flea, bro I'm really sorry man, that I caused all that shit which left you sleepless!" I said, now looking at him worried. I mean I knew Flea for so long now and he probably wouldn't be mad at me for a long time. Flea chuckled now "Man its okay, its just you really need to get things straight, cause you know how hard touring is and I don't need that drama ok?" I just nodded " I know Flea, I promise I won't cause trouble on tour ok?" I said, as he hugged me, patting my back. "Oh another thing!" he said. "Yeah?" I asked. "Don't ever disappear again in the middle of the night ok? I was really worried that I had to pick you up Downtown wasted." I then squeezed him tight "I won't Flea!" I said. Flea now smiled at me, when he asked me about Mary "So, things are serious between you and Mary, huh?" I smiled, thinking of her "Yeah, I guess so!" I said. Flea laughed at me now "Whats so funny about it?" I asked him. "Don't fuck it up man, like with Ione ok?" Flea said, which thought provoked me, because he knew exactly how I was and I really didn't want to screw that up with Mary, she is such a precious girl with a big heart, I just nodded then said "Hey should we catch up on John?" i asked Flea. He just laughed and said "They're probably fucking, thats why he locked himself up!"This made me chuckle "Oh our Greenie!" I just said and we just had a good laugh.

Mary's P.O.V

It was such a awkward feeling, as Tony left I was filled with emotions, I stood there in my apartment, not knowing what to do with myself now. Its been quite a while, that I spend more then one night with someone. I always manage do go through the day alone, I mean I don't have a problem with being on my own. But Tony left me behind, now feeling empty, looking around my messy apartment, when my eye caught what seemed like one of his shirts laying on the floor. I grabbed for it, instantly holding it close to my face, I sighed it smelled like him. When I stopped myself, thinking what the fuck am I doing? Thats it I needed a drink and then clean this place up finally. I poured myself a glass of Jack, then put on some music, lighting myself a cigarette up. As I was sitting on my couch, I couldn't stop thinking about Tony, I really don't know how I gotta deal with that situation for the next months, I chugged another glass of Jack down, when my phone rang. I picked it up like crazy "Tony?" I said, hyper. Ivy laughed on the other line "Ohh Mary, no its me!" she said, while I could hear John in the background. I let myself fall back on the couch "Well, looks who came back from the drug and sex wonderland!" I teased her. She giggled "Says the girl herself, who couldn't stop fucking!" she teased me back, while John having a good laugh in the background. Something told me they were high as fuck "Ivy? Are you high on something?" I asked, while having another glass of Jack. Silence ensued, oh this girl I thought to myself. "Hello? Ivy?" I asked, hearing the phone dropping. They couldn't stop giggling, John probably spinning her around again or something. I really hoped they wouldn't start fucking now. After a couple of minutes, she came back, all out of breath "Sorry Mary, uh John interrupted me, uhh what did you say?" she asked, I rolled my eyes "Never mind Ivy, so was there anything you wanted me to tell in the first place?" I asked her, now a bit annoyed. "Ohh uh yeah, I just wanted to ask if you want ago for a drink later?" "Sure, lets go!" I said, not telling her I already was drinking. She then screamed, I nearly lost my ear, holding the phone away from me. "See yaaa, Marybear!" she yelled and hung up immediately. I was sitting now on my couch, confused as fuck, shaking my head. I decided though to finally clean up this mess here, as I was about to make laundry, the phone rang again. For fucks sake, I can't with this girl I thought, picking up the phone "Ivy, stop doing drugs with John and calling me, I got shit to do!" I said annoyed. When I heard that soothing voice "Oh wow babe, I hope our conversations will not start like this every time I call you!" Tony said, laughing. I sighed "Tony, I'm so sorry, but she called me earlier, clearly high on something!" I said, sitting now on the floor against the couch."So thats why they locked themselves up in the hotel room!" he said, laughing. God when he laughs, my heart pounds like crazy. "Anyway, I'm so happy you called me!" I said, hearing him breathing out deeply. "I wanted to hear your beautiful voice Mary and uh wanted to tell you that we're heading to New York first, in a few hours!" he said. This calmed me down "Ohh sounds amazing, at least you won't have a too long flight!" There was a pause when he said "Yes, but already 2000 miles away from my lady!" he said, sounding sad. Which also made me sad "I uh I miss you Tony!" i said, as I heard him taking a deep breath "I miss you too babe, can't wait to hear your voice again, I have to go now, ill call you when we arrive at New York ok?" he said. "Have a safe flight Tony, see ya!" "Mary?" he asked when I answered "Yes?" " I love you babe!" he whispered, his voice so smooth. It made my heart go crazy as I answered "I love you too Tony!"

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