Part 40

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Mary's P.O.V

I didn't know how long i slept, but I woke up terribly hungover, first I was confused that the phone was next to me, but then I remembered. I looked at my alarm it was 7a.m. "Fuck" I murmured, holding my head, why am I awake already. I put the phone back on his place and wanted to head back to sleep, when it rang. I ran to it and picked up "Tony?" I asked. But it wasn't Tony, it was Pete. "Well look who's awake! Where the fuck have you been huh?" he yelled at me. I was confused "What do you mean where I've been Pete?" I said. "Uh you were supposed to work yesterday, why was your phone dead?" he yelled now louder. That's when I lost my patience "Fucks sake ,stop yelling at me ok?! I'm sorry, my phone had problems ok?" I said back. "Well if you wouldn't spend your money on booze you might could pay the phone bill!" he said, what a pain in the ass I thought. "You know what Pete?" i said, taking a deep breath. "What?" he answered back. "Suck my fucking dick ASSHOLE" I yelled and hung up.
Not a minute passed and I regretted what I did,without a job I'm screwed. I sat there on my bed now, hoping he would call back,but he didn't. I let myself fall on my back as i stared at the ceiling.
There i was, hungover,unemployed and probably with a stalker waiting outside my apartment. I so wanted to pack my stuff and fly to Amsterdam where Tony is. Actually i thought about it for quite a long, but I didn't know what to do. I decided to call Ivy, god I was like the most horrible human being waking everyone up now, but I couldn't go on with my day, without clearing up my thoughts. I jumped off my bed and went to the phone, dialling her number. While I waited for her to answer, I felt so bad, when a scruffy voice answered.
"Hello?" Ivy answered. "Girl I'm so sorry for waking you up!" I said. She laughed "Mary? What the fuck, why are you up already?" she asked me. "I uh, it's a long story Ivy!" I said. "Did something happen?" she asked me nervous. I didn't want to upset her, so early in the morning. "No no, everything's alright, I uh just was thinking, you know...flying to Tony!" i said, as she jumped up now. "What? Are you serious? But don't you have a job?" she asked me. I lied "I have some time off" She didn't believe me "Mary? Did you got fired?" she asked me, sounding like a worried mom. I sighed " Ok.... yeah I got fired!" i confessed. "Mary! What happened?" she asked me, poor girl I upset her. "Ivy that's not the point now, should I fly to Tony or not?" i asked her. She sighed deeply "Girl, I don't know what about the codex?" she said, to be honest I forget about that for a moment. "Fuck you're right Ivy!"i said. "And it's not like you fly within the US, it's a big journey!" she said, well seems like one of us was the responsible one. "Yeah ok, you're right girl, sorry for calling and upsetting you!" i said. As she knew I was still thinking of flying she said "It's okay Mary, please promise me you won't go ok?" she asked me. "I promise you Ivy!" i said. "I'll call you and if you're not at home you're busted Marybear!" she said. "Okay Mum, okay I stay here!" I said. "Good!" Ivy said, yawning. "Sleep tight Ivy!" i said. "Mhmm, thanks! We'll talk ok?" she said. As soon as we hung up on each other, I walked around my apartment like a maniac. I was really close to get my shit together and leave, I mean I was on my own here, it's not like I had friends or anything else. Sometimes there are moments in life where you have a one time chance, you gotta decide on the spot and that's what I did. I would fly to Tony, no matter what, instantly packed my stuff and called myself a taxi. I didn't call Tony on purpose ,I wanted to surprise him. Before leaving I looked back into my apartment, pulled up the hood of my hoodie and went out to catch the taxi. Nervously I looked around, still was scared of Phil. Gladly nobody was out, so I got in. As I arrived at the airport I paid the driver and then made my way to a counter. Deep down I hoped I would do the right thing, although felt bad about breaking my promise to Ivy. But I would explain it to her as soon as I arrive. While getting my ticket my heart raced like hell, the lady already gave me a sceptic look, not gonna blame her, I looked like a hobo. Thank god I was lucky, it didn't cost me a fortune, although it was a long ass flight. I protected this ticket as my life depended on it, while I was searching for a coffee store. Man I felt like a little girl now, in about 10 hours i would see my Tony again and I couldn't be happier.

Anthony's P.O.V
The show and the interview went pretty well, i even declared that Mary was my girlfriend now, I don't know but I'm so proud of having her as my girl now, that I didn't want to keep it a secret. She never left my mind though and I just hope she would sleep peacefully right now. It had to be about 8a.m in LA, cause here it was already 2p.m. By now I was really exhausted, we went for a quick lunch after the show and then headed back to the hotel, to be honest I looked forward to some sleep. In my hotel room I just got out of my boots and jacket and let myself fall into bed.

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