Part 26

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Johns P.O.V

I spent the morning in bed with Ivy, listening to music and ordering breakfast. "Ivy?" I asked her, as she ate the very last bite of her breakfast, nearly licking the plate. "Yeah?" she asked back. "I have this very special type of grass, wanna try it with me?"hoping that she would say yes. She nodded "Sure, I'm open to everything John!" she said, making me smile. I then jumped out of bed, locking up the room, still naked I walked over to my bag. She giggled "John why did you lock the room? What if Flea or Anthony wanna come in?" she asked. "Don't worry about them Ivy, this will make you feel different then anything that we smoked before, we don't need any distraction!" I said, sitting next to her, rolling probably the best joint I ever rolled. I then lit it up, deeply inhaling, then passing it to Ivy. Both of us now, laying naked next to each other, holding hands. When I broke the long silence saying "Ivy?" she looked at me "John?" "Can you feel the sparks flying through your body?" I asked, feeling my body lighting up, I couldn't move though. She nodded, whispering "Yeah, it feels like they're flowing though my blood stream, my arms are tingling!" I now started laughing hysterically, she first looked confused at me "Whats wrong John?" she asked. I couldn't speak first, it felt like someone was tickling me, continuing laughing. She now started giggling too, I so wanted to roll over and hug her, but fuck I couldn't move at all, its like I was glued on this bed. Thats why I locked the door, cause if somebody would come in, seeing us naked laying next to each other, not moving at all, they would call us crazy. Finally what seemed for years, I could move, rolling over looking at Ivy, my fingers lightly running over her skin. Its crazy how I was so magnetized by only touching her, she simply smiled at me, the whole time through. "You're so beautiful Ivy!" i said, sighing. Thats when she wrapped her arms round me, our bodies now so close, intertwined becoming one. That moment was so pure,  felt like we were totally absorbed into it, like we didn't hear or feel anything else anymore except of us breathing and our heart beating. "Ivy? What are you're thoughts now?" I asked her. She giggled "I'm totally stoned! but its totally different from the times before" This made me smile "I know right? Its like, you can feel every little inch of your body, from toe to head and the inner organs!" I said. She nodded "I'm not even able to fall over you now, but uh thats alright cause it feels like we're feeling each other already!" she whispered, when I had to squeeze her really tight. I totally lost my sense of time, I didn't know if ten minutes had passed now or ten hours, I might have heard Lindy multiply times knocking on my door but I wasn't sure. When after a while Ivy said something like"I gotta call Mary!" , I just nodded and saw her floating over to the telephone, my fairy I thought to myself. I couldn't understand a thing she was saying on the telephone, but I had to laugh again for whatever reason. When I finally got up after a while, walking towards her, her dropping the phone and me picking her up and throwing her on the bed. We were fooling around, like its been ages, my body now on hers kissing all over her naked body. "Fuck, Mary is uh still on the phone!"  she then mumbled, quickly answering the phone and then coming back. I felt myself  slowly kicking down and getting back to a normal state of mind. To be honest I hated it already and then I got reminded that today I had to leave for tour. Ivy sensed that and she said " I know what you're thinking John!" still laying next to me on the bed, I took her hand now  "I already hate the feeling not being high  with you anymore and enjoying your naked body Ivy!" She smiled at me "I feel the same John! The last days with you were the best of my life!" I nodded "I wish uh I could take you with me Ivy. But uh we have that stupid codex on tour!" I said, as she asked me "What codex?" I now sitting up, going through my mohawk "Uh of not bringing your girlfriend ,you know on tour!" she now sitting as well up next to me "Did you say girlfriend?" her eyes now wide open. "Yes, I mean uh you are my girlfriend now!" I whispered, confused by myself that I said this but oh well. "John, I uh didn't know you were thinking of me as your girlfriend. I mean how we gonna manage this?" she said sounding worried. I knew this was gonna be complicated cause of the distance between LA and Seattle, also the months of touring now. But I was willing to make this work. "Ivy, we had a much too amazing time that I'm gonna let this go as if nothing happened. We will work this out ok?" I said, now clasping her into my arms, kissing her head. She took a deep breath when she whispered "So I guess I'm your girlfriend now!" snuggling her face into my chest. "Yes, you are Ivy!" I said, smiling brightly, although I had to leave her behind very soon. "Guess we have to get dressed again huh?" she asked me, while I played with her curly hair. "Yes!" I sighed. We then got dressed again and I went to unlock the door again, just to witness Flea and Anthony standing in front of me, both laughing sneaky "Oh Greenie, we thought you would never leave the room again!" Anthony said, I just rolled my eyes and answered "Oh look who's talking Swan, last time I saw you ,was two days ago!" I said full of self-mocking. Flea simply bursted out in laughter, looking at Ivy "You see now what I have to deal with on tour, Ivy?"  he said, which made Ivy giggle. Flea didn't know yet, that she was my girlfriend now, although he told me not to. But I felt disadvantaged , cause how could Anthony get away with having a girlfriend, while I was not allowed to. And to be honest I can handle it better then him, I didn't believe anyway ,he would be faithful for a long time . "Alright so we are leaving for the airport in two hours, in New York we have a day off then we'll be heading to Holland!" Flea said, then looking to Ivy, who was now standing next to me, holding my hand, he gave me a suspicious look then asking Ivy "Should we drop you off at Mary's before leaving?" Ivy nodded "Would be nice, if it doesn't bother you!" she said. "Of course not Ivy, thats the least we can do!" Flea said.  "Alright Flea, leave our lovebirds alone now, they have to say good by to each other!" Anthony said, winking kinky at me. As they left, I turned to Ivy "Wanna have a last smoke together?" I asked, searching for my cigarettes. "Sure!" she said. "Not here!" I said grabbing her hand, leading her out. "Where are we going John?" she asked me giggling. When I pushed the button for the roof top in the elevator, she smiled so brightly at me. Arriving on top, Ivy by now was deeply impressed by the view "Wow!" she just sighed, as we both leaned over, looking down at LA. I offered her a cigarette and lit it up for her, as we smoked I couldn't stop looking at her. Her still wearing my bowie t-shirt, her hair wildly curled and gently blowing out the smoke. I had to wrap my arm around her as we gazed into the sky, I really will miss those moments with her.

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