Part 3

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Ivy slipped to the ground and sat in front of my bathroom door. She tried to calm down and took a deep breath. I turned the water off and reached my hand out to search for a towel. But I couldn't find one. So I screamed

"Ivy, you still there?"

"Yes, I am sitting in front of your door" she answered smiling

"Oh great, could you hand me a towel? I don't have one here!" I said, already freezing a bit.

Ivy sat up and looked around in my walk in closet for a towel.

"Uhm, can't find one!"

Crap I thought, then I remembered they were all in the dirty laundry.

"okay then give me my dressing gown, it should be on my bed!" I said

"Right, i will look for it!" she said

God how I hate it, to stand there dripping wet, after a hot shower.

"Got it!" she yelled

I opened the door, reaching my hand out and all the steam came out, like I had some sauna in there.

She gave me the dressing gown.

"Thank you, sweetheart!" i said. Then finally putting it on and feeling good again.

I stepped out of the bathroom and feeling much better. Ivy looked at me, giggling like a little girl.

"What's up ?" I asked her, as I couldn't help myself but smile.

"Oh nothing !"she said,still giggling.

I shook my head and smiled

"Oh Ivy!"

I was standing in my closet, searching for a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. When I pulled out my baggy "The Doors" muscle shirt and my beloved pair of high waist black skinny jeans. Ivy grabbed my arm and said

"Wait a minute, this is what you going to look like tonight?" she asked me with a skeptical look on her face.

"Yeah, why not?" I asked her back, but already knowing what she is going to say now.

She sighed and said "Girl, you will meet the hottest band in whole LA and you going to wear a muscle shirt and jeans?"

So I was standing there, still holding my clothes. Looking dubious at her.

"Ivy, sugar. You realize that I have to work tonight, so I need to feel comfy, I don't think that I will have much time for actually chat with the guys!" I said, as I put on a bandeau bra and my shirt.

She laughed at me "Fine ,girl we'll see what the night brings!"

I once again looked at my watch and realized that I haven't much time left, so I rushed over to my bathroom, to brush my teeth. Then I took a quick look in my mirror. Thank god I had my hair in a pixie cut, so I didn't need that much time to style it. After I put a bit of make up on, just to hide the tiredness, i went with my fingers through my blonde pixie, I was ready.

I jumped across my whole apartment ,in search for my leather jacket and my backpack. While Ivy was laying on my bed, watching me.

"So should I come now with you or maybe I could tidy up here a bit!" then she looked around

"Well I think I should stay here to tidy up, it really looks messy in here!" she said, trying not to laugh.

I finally got my shit together and I walked over to her, grabbing for her hand.

"Come on Ivy, you can tidy up another day in your life. You are here to celebrate, don't you?" I said with a huge enthusiasm.

" Yeah of course,but..."

"There is no but, come on let's go. The Chili's are waiting for us!"

She grabbed my hand and we rushed out. While we were sitting in the bus, she really got excited.

"So, have you heard their new album so far?" she asked me as she looked with her eyes full of hope, at me.

"Yes, I listened to it today morning, while working and the first song really got stuck in my head, how was the title, something like Good boys.."

"Ahhh you mean Good Time Boys!" she screamed, as she grabbed my arm. All the people in the bus were looking at us.

"Yes, that song!" I whispered as I was a bit embarrassed.

She couldn't stop fangirling. I really love it, when she is so full of happiness and excitement.

As we entered the Club, Pete already was standing at the bar, like he already was waiting for me. But he acted different from this morning. He actually was nervous.

"So here I am Pete!" I said as I walked towards him.

"Thank god I thought you wouldn't come!"

"Well I proved you the opposite, oh by the way this my friend Ivy, she just arrived from Seattle today!"

He just said a cold hi and didn't even greet her properly. I could feel how Ivy felt offended.

"Okay Mar, the band will arrive in about 10 or 15 minutes. The dressing room is ready, so you simply have to stand outside the back door, to greet them properly. I will take care of their instruments. "

I just nodded and was about to make my way back,when he said

"One moment Mar!"

I turned my head around and tried to listen to him

"Your duties for today are to get anything they want, from food to drinks, just everything!"

"I got it Pete, I will do everything, don't be afraid!" I said

Me and Ivy walked to the back door of the club, before we arrived I threw my backpack and my leather jacket into the change room. I searched for my cigarettes, but couldn't find them.

"Ivy, have you got some cigs?" I asked her.

"I am afraid, no. Sorry honey!"

"Fuck!" I mumbled as I said outside on the stairs, with Ivy. I started getting really anxiously.

"What's up Mary? Is someone maybe a bit nervous?" she asked playfully, pinching my arm.

"Nooo! I said. It's just that I haven't smoked since yesterday and you know, I am a junkie!"

She laughed and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, when I heard a male voice saying

"Now that's what I call a perfect greeting!" he said and grinned broadly.

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