Part 41

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Mary's P.O.V

I don't know how many coffees I had intus, guess I went mad, but I had to stay awake. In New York I had to change the flight, as I got off ,my hands were shaking as hell and people staring at me. Then it came to my mind, probably Ivy already called me at home and I didn't answer it, she'll kill me I thought to myself. Hopefully Tony didn't call as well, he would go crazy if I don't answer the phone, especially after the incident with Phil. Poor people, I was such a mess and causing everyone trouble but I guess the heart wants what the heart wants. After I smoked a couple o cigarettes and got myself a slice of NY pizza, I was ready to continue my flight, it was 2 p.m now, five hours to go till Amsterdam. In my head I tried to think of how I'll surprise Tony. I think I'll secretly check myself in at their hotel, get a room cause uh I had to shower and shit and then surprise him. My hopes were high that all this would be worth it.

Anthony's P.O.V
Panicked I woke up, laying on my tummy. What time was it even? I thought to myself, trying to read the clock, six p.m! Fuck, I only wanted to take a nap and it turned into a full sleep session. With my sleepy mind I thought what time it was in LA now and if I could call Mary. She should be awake by now, so I leaned over to the phone dialling her number. I let it ring for about five minutes when she didn't answer, okay calm down Anthony maybe she's in the shower now. I laid on my back now, staring at the ceiling. I still haven't figured out on how to protect her, thinking of her all alone and scared really made me sad, I so wished to have her here with me. Then someone knocked on my door "Hey Swan, can I come in or are you jerking off?" John asked. I rolled my eyes "Come in Greenie!" i said, as he stepped in, covering his eyes. I laughed "Ok Greenie open your eyes, I'm not naked!" i said. "I don't trust you Swan!" he said, I really had to choke my laughter, when I stood up walking up to him. He stepped back "Whatever you're doing ,stop it Swan!" he said, still covering his eyes. "Come on open your eyes Greenie!" i said. "Ok ok but I warn you!" he now uncovered his eyes, looking surprised "oh you're dressed?" he asked. I shook my head in disbelief and laughed "Oh Greenie!"
"Anyway, I have some of the fine weed left from yesterday and wanted to ask  if you wanna smoke some!"he said.
"Sure Greenie!" i said, looking over to the phone. "You're waiting for her call huh?" he asked me. I nodded "I tried to call her but she didn't answer!" i said. "Well, maybe she's in the shower or something!" John said. "Could be, I hope so!" I said. He now wrapped his arm around my shoulder "Come on, let's have a smoke in my room, then you can call her hm?" he suggested. We went into John's room, where he rolled us a joint. That's what I appreciated about him, he always had a way to distract me and after that day and night I really needed this. An hour passed and we were really stoned "Damn those Dutch's know what their doing!" i said, sitting now on the floor, next to John who was on his guitar strumming some notes. I felt how I got sleepier when I said to John "Greenie? I think I gonna call Mary?" He looked up from his guitar and just nodded "Alright Swan!"
Getting up was a challenge, I slowly walked myself to my room, sat down next to the phone and tried to call Mary again. Again five minutes passed but she didn't answer, now I was worried. My high mind went crazy, something happened, why wouldn't she answer? I rushed back to Johns room, he looked worried at me
"Swan what happened?"he asked. "Mary! She still doesn't answer the phone and I'm worried, maybe something happened. What if that guy got her?" i said, my heart racing. "Hey calm down Swan, maybe she's at work?"he said. "That makes no sense, she doesn't work that early."i said, walking up and down the room. "Well, maybe she's still asleep, I mean from what you told me, she was pretty destroyed. If I would be her I would sleep the whole day."John said. When it occurred to me "Greenie you could be right, she slept next to her phone and probably didn't put it back, so now she can't answer calls." i said. "See, that could be it Swan!" John said pointing at me. "She will call you, go back to your room and relax!" he added. "Man I'm so stoned, like I can't handle this right now!" I said holding my head, leaving his room, as I waved him. "See ya Swan!" John yelled after me. So I walked once again back to my room, where I laid down, staring at the phone, I tried my hardest not to fall asleep. My eyes closed though for a few seconds, when the phone finally rang. I jumped up, answering it "Mary?" i said.
"Babe!" she answered, I never felt more relived to hear her voice then now. "Babe, thank god! I couldn't call you and I was worried as hell! Are you okay?" I asked. She giggled "I'm fine Tony!" Ohh that laugh I loved so much,made me smile now "So you're safe babe?" i asked her. "Yes I am Tony, you can uh check on me if you want!"
she said. I was confused "What do you mean babe?" i asked her back. "I'm near you!" My eyes widened now "Babe don't give me another heart attack!" i said with a shaky voice. "Come to my room Tony!" she said with a seductive voice. I couldn't believe what was happening, Mary just a few floors away from me?! She told me the number and as soon she did, I hung up and made my way to her. I was so nervous but at the same time so happy. When I found it, I knocked and she opened me. There she was standing, my goddess. She was wearing her leather jacket, with no bra underneath and only a lace pantie, that incredible blonde pixie I missed so much. She pulled me in, closing the door behind her. Our eyes met and there was this indescribable heat and passion, like we were separated for years. I pushed her against the door, my eyes not leaving her beautiful face and godlike body. Her hands running through my hair as we were making out so wildly, her one leg now wrapped around my waist, while I kissed up an down her neck, slightly moans were coming out of her sweet lips. "I missed you so fucking much babe, you have no idea!" I whispered, her arms now wrapped around my neck, giving me the most beautiful smile "I missed you too Tony, the moment you left I felt incomplete!" I slowly pulled down her leather jacket, exposing her bare chest, my finger running over her pierced nipple. "I won't leave you behind again Girl, you're mine now there's no chance any other man will get to have you, not even look at you!" i said biting my lips. "Take me Tony, im all yours!" she whispered, her brown eyes now glowing.

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