Part 18

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Anthony's P.O.V

I really looked forward to spent my last day with Mary, by now I was totally blown away by her beauty. This is what I aspired, take her out on a real date, she simply deserved to be treated like a Queen, my Queen I thought to myself and that made me smile. She noticed me smiling and smiled back so cute it warmed my heart"So, how do you feel about Italian food?" I asked her.
"Sounds amazing, I totally love Italian!" she said.
"Perfect, i know an excellent restaurant here!" I told her. "You gotta promise me something,though" I said as she looked over to me.
"What?" she asked back "Please don't order just a salad, I want you to eat whatever you want!" I said reaching out for her hand. She simply laughed out loud "Are you kidding me Tony? I'm not those girls who order just a salad, I'm capable of eating three large pizzas and a bowl of pasta in one take!"
God I thought, could this girl be more perfect. "That's what I wanted to hear Mary!" I said all smiling. As we arrived at the restaurant, i helped her out of the car and offered her to link my arm with hers. "Very gentleman like Mr. Kiedis" she said, as we walked into the restaurant. I already felt so proud to have her as my girl. The waiter guided us to our table and I noticed how Mary got all nervous. "Is everything alright Mary, you seem nervous?" I asked, while waiting for the menu. "Yeah I'm uh just, I was never taken to a restaurant like this by a guy"
My eyes widened "What do you mean? You had dates, didn't you?" I asked her.
"Yes of course but..." that's when the waiter interrupted us.
"Would you two like something to drink?" he asked
"Yes, can we have a bottle of your best red wine, please?"
"Of course Sir!" he said and went off.
"So, tell me Mary!" I continued
" I wanted to say that, my usual dates consisted of drinking at some bars with cheap booze and cheap food! You know, uh I don't even can call them dates cause uh I always ended up being drunk and having sex ,that wasn't even worth!" she confessed, instantly ashamed of herself. Hearing that, crushed me and I was speechless and angry at the same time.
"You probably think now, I uh sleep with everyone right?" she said, being all vulnerable. All of a sudden a totally different Mary was sitting across me. I took her hand and squeezed it tightly.
"I would never judge you for your past Mary and it just makes me mad to hear you haven't been treated right!" I said giving her a warm smile. She smiled back, her brown eyes glowing again.
"Thank you so much Tony, that means a lot to me!" she said.
Perfect timing when the wine arrived and we could order our food. She didn't lie about eating well, when she ordered a plate of pasta with extra Parmesan. I ordered myself a traditional Italian Pizza. While we were waiting for the food, we sipped at our wine. "Wow!" she sighed, that is a really good wine" I nodded "Yeah, only the best for my girl". She chuckled and seemed thoughtful. "What are you thinking Mary?" I asked. "Oh, just the fact the you called me your girl ,surprised me"
"Well I hope it's a positive surprise" I said,taking another sip. "Of course! she said, it's just I haven't heard this in years you know? Uh never mind" she said, taking a big sip off her wine. Good god I thought to myself, people broke this girls heart so badly. I tried to calm her down, by stroking the back of her hand, never leaving it. "Hey, I'm here with you now and that's all I need" I said, kissing her hand now. She smiled now so beautiful at me, you could read in her eyes, how much of a weight now left her heart. When the food arrived, I couldn't help but watch her eat. She really enjoyed the food with her whole heart. "So, do you miss Detroit sometimes?" I asked her, filling up her wine glass. "To be honest, yes I do indeed, I mean LA is great, but I miss my family and friends. Also the food there! Like you won't find here a real Detroit style pizza"
"That's true though!" I said. By now we finished the bottle of wine and we talked about everything and with every word of her, I slowly fall more and more in love with her. "You think there is room left for dessert in your beautiful tummy?" I asked her, she smiled and answered "Of course,always!". "Perfect, how about grabbing the most delicious ice cream in whole LA?"
"Sounds amazing Tony!" she said, her eyes glowing again. I paid for dinner and we headed out, holding her hand really tight. She was about to walk to the car when I stopped her saying "You mind taking a walk Mary? It's more beautiful"
"Oh is someone in a romantic mood?" she asked teasing me again. I smiled and said "Well, I told you I will take my girl out properly" I now wrapped my arm around her neck, pulling her closer and kissing her temple. "And you weren't lying Tony" she whispered. While walking I enjoyed every second with her, trying to mesmerise every move, I tried not to think about touring and leaving her behind. We picked up our ice cream and continued walking, my hand always intertwined with hers.
"You like it Mary?" I asked, gazing at her. "It's the best ice cream I had and I live now for three years here!" she answered. "I know, I had this since I came here as a little kid in the 70s" I said, then noticing she had some ice cream on her nose tip, that made me giggle. "What's wrong Tony?" she asked , watching me sceptical. "You uh, you have some ice cream on your nose tip" I said, trying to hold my laughter. "Ohh well" she just said, continuing eating, that's what I loved about her, her whole attitude. "Want some Tony?"she said holding her cone into my face, then leaving some cream on my nose as well. "See? totally normal!"
That was the moment I had to kiss her, I stopped her walking, pulling her closer and pressing my lips on hers.
We both now had cream all over our faces but we were happy. She smiled against my lips, with a simple "Wow" coming out of her beautiful mouth. People were walking past us, giving us looks but we didn't care. We continued kissing each other passionate, while still holding the cones in our hands.

Nobody weird like meDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora