Part 43

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Anthony's P.O.V
I could lay all day here with this goddess, but that would be too obvious. Seeing her laying naked between the white sheets, her head resting on her hand, smoking that cigarette, just made me want to fall over her again.
"What are you thinking Tony?" she asked me, handing me her cigarette. I sighed "That I have to go back to my room, the guys will search for me!"
She now laid on her back, stretching her naked body. "Alright then!" she said, sounding disappointed. I leaned over and gave her a deep and gentle kiss. "We can still call each other babe!" i said, my finger running over her nipple. "Mhmm right!" she said, smiling kinky. I now got up, getting dressed again, while she watched me. "You must be hungry babe, order yourself a nice meal!" I said handing her some money. She laughed now.
"What so funny?" I asked her. "Oh, just you giving me money after we fucked made feel like some escort girl" she said, shaking her head. I now walked over to her bed, her kneeling now on the bed, pulling at my belt. "You like the thought of being my uh escort girl?" i asked her, biting my lip. She nodded "Yeah, it's hot!" she said, slowly undoing my belt. "Babe, I uh gotta go!" i said, breathing hard as she unzipped my pants, moving her hand into, grabbing for my balls. "I know Tony, just wanted to check on everything down there!" she whispered, giving me a kinky look, her hand now stroking my dick over my boxers. "God Mary, you are one hell of a teaser!" i whispered as I felt how my dick slowly got hard again. I wanted to fuck her again so badly, but I had to go. She quickly grabbed the money now out of my hand and waved with it, giving me a quick kiss. "Thank you Mr. Kiedis!" she said, with a seductive tone. This girl I thought was just something else, I grinned before leaving the room, looking back. "See you my goddess!" i said, as she blow me a kiss. "Call me!" she answered, now laying on her belly. This sight of her, made my blood flowing south again.

Mary's P.O.V
I continued laying in my bed, my body and mind were filled with so much happiness, i could implode. When it came to my mind, i had to call Ivy.
"Fuck" i murmured, as I dialled her number. A very nervous sounding Ivy answered "Jesus Mary, what the fuck? I called you at home but you didn't answer! Please don't tell me you took the flight?!" she said. I took a deep breath "Ivy... I'm so sorry, but I uh had to!" I said, grabbing for my cigarettes. Silence ensued, when I asked her "You still there?" She sighed deeply "Yes! Listen Mary, you can't just run away from everything!" she said and well she was right, but I just couldn't be in LA anymore, without Tony. "I know Ivy, but I uh, I just couldn't anymore you know? Since that incident with Phil and Pete yelling at me at the phone, I didn't want to sit alone in my apartment, drinking and waiting for a call from Tony!" I said, nervously smoking. "Oh Mary, you don't have to defend yourself like that, I'm not against you! I was just worried about you. And I can't blame you, for following your heart, just remember if Tony is gonna break your heart, I gonna break his neck, ok?!" she said laughing. That made me laugh too "Oh Ivy, I just don't deserve you!" I said. "Shush, don't get sentimental now, tell me instead how you managed to surprise him!" I told her the whole story, when I finished she just said "Damn girl, so you're living a real groupie life now?" she asked, giggling. "Hey Hey I'm not just a groupie ok? I'm his girlfriend" I said. "Yeah right! And since when girlfriends hide in hotel rooms and go secretly on tour?" she asked, teasing me really badly. I rolled my eyes "Well, he's Anthony Kiedis! He's not a normal boyfriend!" i snapped back. "Alright Ms. Kiedis! Anyway since you are there, keep an eye on John ok?!" she said. "Ohh is someone jealous?" i asked her teasingly. "Well, wouldn't you be?" she asked back. "True!" i said. We continued chatting when I had to hang up "Alright Ivy, I have to shower now and order myself food, I'm starving!" She laughed loud "Right, fucking with Anthony Kiedis is a whole workout, i understand!" she said. "Girl, it is! The best workout to be honest" i said, looking trough the menu. "Ok ok Marybear, we talk later ok? Have a nice day! And don't get caught!" she said, sounding like a mom. "See ya MOM!" I teased her and we hung up on each other. I first went for a long shower, in this luxurious bathroom. Man compared to this ,my apartment was a shit hole, I thought to myself. Wrapped myself in one of those super fluffy cozy bathrobes, I ordered myself a bunch of food. While I waited for my food, I looked around and I couldn't realise that the next months I would spent my time in hotel rooms and got to have Tony with me. One thing that scared me though, how I changed the last days since I met Tony. I always was the tough girl and never had problems living on my own, but now I got so attached to this man, that all I wanna do is be with him. I looked over to the mini bar, I bet they have some really good booze here. I jumped up and took a look inside and was blown away. Well even the fridge here can't compete with my LA one. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, the room service arrived with my food. He rolled the food in and gave me a note "It's from Mr. Kiedis, Miss Mary!" I smiled, thanked him and paid. When he left, I opened the note
"Meet me later on the rooftop, I got a surprise for you!"
Love, Anthony
Reading this made me smile like an idiot, he was so cheesy and I hated myself that he actually made it through my heart. My heart suddenly fluttered like crazy and I thought to myself "Shit I'm officially in love!"

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