09. Scattered

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Those eyes,
Those breath,
Those .. ..

My mind starts to spin,
Thoughts started to twist itself as I realised what just happened.

I can see, how fear reflected in though eyes of the people I know. All directed at me.

The supposed Police were all wary, eyes set on me with cautious and worry.

How the tension in the air was...
"... .. ..ahahah.." I could only laugh..

"That's right" I uttered, laughing as my fingers went to my lips, eyeing them with a smile. As if mocking them wasn't enough.

"And, what can you do?" I asked, honestly wanting to know myself.

Whether If I'm taken away, be it locked up or killed. It is only just pure plain curiosity to how it goes, nothing more.

At least ..I don't bring anymore harm.. to this new family I'm born into.

This power that I have. ..I can already see the pain it'll cause everyone already. Maybe even more in the future.

Just look at what had happened already.

I've already lost people whom I called family once, I don't want to lose another.

"You'll Be Detained."

The moment he spoke, chains erupted from behind them. Towards me at full speed as they quickly bound me with those chains around my waist. I could only laugh at their attempt, not that I really care if what the chains did was meant for the kill.

"You should do better than that." I chuckled, as slowly the symbols began spreading through the chains and then began to rot, as if acid was poured onto it. Melting the metal away. Quick they let go of the chain, in fear that whatever it is would spread itself further towards them.

"Suzume's powers is the
[Poison Hana-bi]," the same marks, symbols, started to spread more around my body, forming patterns much-like flowers around in the mix of purple and black. "That should explain by itself right" I smiled at them, their attempt to cover their panicking eyes are quite a sight to see.
A promise of a slow painful death, who is not afraid of something that?

such disappointment I thought. Being Detained is not what I am looking for.
Maybe is it because they wanted to find out more about what I am,
Rather than to kill me right now.

Or... can they even kill me..?

Looks like I've to give them a Reason To. And I don't have time to dally around anyways...

"Now then, Mister Policemen. What was it about detaining me?"

I chuckled, trying to push their buttons. Moving into a lazy posture, I glance at them with a unreadable expression.

Hurry up. Decide.
I don't have time to waste.

"And here I thought you were saying something about that?" I spoke, turning my back to them. As if showing confidence while I let my guard down. Seeing this as a chance, one of them threw chains directly at me. But I stayed still. Not knowing what the intention is.

But nothing came.
I didn't felt any pain oddly enough.

Turning around I saw him, holding the chains back with his own hands.

"... Tsunayoshi..?"

The brunet grit his teeth, pulling the chains as to not let it return to its owner. "I.. Won't Let You.. T-ouch Nii-San-!" Tsunayoshi sneered. For once it looked like a little lion growling at its zookeeper.
Which honestly made me want to chuckle at how cute that looked if not for the situation.

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