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How did it come to this?

Who is Natsume? Isn't 'Natsume' him?
If you're Natsume, you won't have him anymore. You'll lose your comrades, your lover, Your way of life. A small voice whispers, is that his inner desires? A voice pleading him to not forget. To not let go.

He already lost the piece called 'Natsume', so what more could he lose?

"Fight! For Peace!"


"Kill! For Peace!"


"Protect What's Right!"

How... Did it- Natsume ...end?

I don't remember... do I? 

The [Eagles] was part of a unit of [The Goverment]. They fought against the [Resistant Army], both fighting for the sake of [Peace]. 

I was taken and became part of the Eagles Unit.

-No, I was born into a family of four. A kind Mother, a respectable Father, and a fairly cute little brother.

I killed numerous people, taking the vanguard position. 

-No, I lived a normal life. Going to school, looking after my little brother from afar.

I fell in love with him. He was like a silence knight, always there for me.

-No, I never found love. But I was already happy just being with my family.

I was killed by the hands of my- BANG!

-No, I was loved by m- BANG!

How did it come to this?

'My Love take your time, I'll stay here until the sunrise'

Natsume.. or Hanae woke up, snapping his eyes open as he scanned the room. 
It was quite grand, to say the least. "Ahya?" He uttered, pushing himself off the bed as he went over to the window to the side of the room. Where is this place?

Looking out he managed to take in the sight of a forest. "Ohhh" He hummed, curious as to where he is before he noticed the odd weightless feeling on his ear.
Lifting his hand, he realized that his earring. His Gem is missing. ".... I'm gonna get scolded.." he uttered with a pout.

"But I did die so... I won't be scolded?"

He wondered, Hm... I'm sure that bullet went through my head. So how am I alive?
crossing his arm as he walks over to the door. Opening it to see guards standing to the side. They wore a white uniform, a style that Hanae never saw before. "Good evening" One of them spoke, while another was talking though his communication headset. "Inform Byakuran-Sama that he is awake." Hanae heard.

He wondered if that is a new member of sorts. And the man spoke in Japanese too, Is Hanae in a different country? This would be problematic. Without wasting a moment, Hanae moved down the corridor. Ignoring the panicked words of the two guards, they seemed awfully afraid that Hanae is moving away but did no such movement to stop him. 

He should return back to the Hanger as soon as possible. Ah... I wanna see his face..

Hanae stood still as the loud voice echoed throughout the long corridor. There in the distance was a white-haired man followed by a group of 3 oddly dressed people. "YOU'RE AWAKEE!" Hanae turned his head to see only the two guards that were following him, so he assumed that the 'Aniki' is somehow referring to him. Seeing that he just woke up.

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