15. Meeting (2)

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And just when things aren't getting any better.
There in front of them stood the very person that they've been looking for.

The Vongola Decimo's Older Brother.

"Woah, that is the 10years later Natsume?!" Takeshi spoke in pure awe. Black hair really does suit him He thought while Gokudera stayed silenced, his mind drawing up multiple warning signs already. He.. really is the enemy... Gokudera couldn't hide his disappointment.
"That is an extrema makeover!" Ryohei held a look of surprise. While Chrome hugs Lampo tighter in her arms. Reborn kept himself close to Tsuna, Leon on his shoulder ready to shift into its gun form anytime.

For the Hitman knew of the true dangers lurking beside Byakuran. He wasn't going to risk anything.

"I see that you all already known about me" Natsume spoke as he took the seat in the middle. Directly in front of Tsuna, whose eyes followed every step.

Nii-San.. with black hair? Did he dye it?? He looks so tall- is he... Really Nii-San? Tsuna would be lying if he said that he expected this. He thought that his beloved brother was... Tortured somewhere.. If this person really is who Tsuna hopes is. Then The brunet would be damn glad that Natsume seems fine. And most importantly, Alive.


Why is Natsume standing by Byakuran's side?

Team Vongola just blinked at the weird scene before them. Isn't Byakuran the boss? So why is Natsume taking the main seat?? "I've heard from him that you all refuse to listen and talk." Natsume spoke up with a small smile while pointing at Byakuran, "Friends should be comrades, not enemies. Perhaps we can all come to an agreement of sorts?" He pouted.

"... Friends..?"

Tsuna glanced at Natsume before eyeing at Byakuran. The white-haired male was smiling. So brightly that Tsuna felt that it was intended. As if Byakuran was mocking him. And perhaps he is.
Slowly Tsuna could feel the rage building up within him.

Something is wrong. Really wrong.

"Oh?" Natsume noticed the change in Tsuna's expression. ".... Or am I missing something??" a pure look of confusion took over Natsume's face, and Byakuran took a step front. Leaning close to Natsume's face while putting both of his hands on the older's shoulders.

"Well you see Aniki, They all treat me as if I'm going to destroy the world or something-!" Byakuran whined out loud, his eyes smiling ever so brightly towards Tsuna.
For once, Tsuna couldn't control his burning rage.

" 'Aniki' you said?" Tsuna stood up, eyes glaring holes at Byakuran.

The tension in the air sudden plummeted down.
Even Reborn made sure to keep his distance close to the two bosses, for who knows what might occur. But if anything were to happen, he'll be damn sure to stop them. Though his eyes were more cautious on Natsume.

Somehow, now that the hitman finally met this person face to face. The 10years after Natsume, Reborn could feel it.
The murderous intend hidden behind multiple layers of a smiling face.

This new black-haired Natsume is beyond dangerous.

Hibari couldn't keep to himself any longer. Taking out his tofas within seconds as he targeted Byakuran's head. He has been searching for his lover for 4 painfully long years, and to find him standing beside his enemy. Clearly, Natsume is brainwashed!

Not only that, Hibari felt an odd sense of overwhelming hatred for Byakuran.

"What the fuck did you do to N-"

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