Chapter Eight: England Is In Need Of Pest Control

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A/N: 1.2k reads already and it's only been a week :D You guys are amazing! Xx

Please take note of this SHOUT-OUT for the novel 'So Not Into You' by @mahuangelfreak. She's new to writing and I'm sure we can all help her out by reading what she writes with all her soul (:

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I hope you like this one! Always a pleasure writing for ya'll! 

Only, my plan backfired.

Not only was I standing alone in an airport of an unknown country, but I also had no one coming to pick me up.

My brilliant idea to surprise Lewis was possibly the worst idea I've ever had. Love made people do unexpected things. It made Bobby, for one, surprise Lewis with a trip to Barbados, all the way across to the Caribbean.

"Why didn't you tell me you earlier? We could have cancelled!" Lewis implored over the phone.

"I wanted it to be a surprise?" I retorted gloomily. 

Mom would be furious at this development, and so would my friends. Since I couldn't exactly share the news about Bobby, it was probably best for me to keep this information to myself. 

Besides, I was already here, and Lewis was already gone. There wasn't much we could do about it now. 

Scrolling through my texts, I spotted the address that Chloe shared with me. I could just take a taxi there and rest up for my assistant-ship tomorrow.

He sighed across the line. "Don't bother with a cab, I have arranged for a chauffeur to escort you home. You think you could manage the week by yourself?"

I huffed. It was just a week. 

A black limousine pulled up along the sidewalk shortly after. I peeped over to see if it was a celebrity, possibly Benedict Cumberbatch, but what I discovered was more surprising than that. The driver got out from his seat and turned around, holding a placard that read:

Miss Cannery

Memphis, USA

Of course, it was a limousine. Considering the set of wheels that Lewis drove in the States, I should have expected nothing less. 

Dragging my suitcase along, I walked over to the curb. The driver was fairly old, dressed in a prim, black suit and looked nothing like a chauffeur. With the right set of the aviators, the man would probably pass for a pilot!

I forced a smile and said, "That's me. It's Connery, though. Did Lewis send you?"

Since I was introducing myself, I thought it was only appropriate to extend my arm for a handshake. 

He eyed my gesture oddly. 

What, they didn't shake hands here?

"Madam, this way please," he politely led me to the door and settled my suitcase into the trunk.

We took off from Heathrow when he added, "Master Turner asked to take you to the mansion directly. Would you need to make any detours?"

I nodded a no, amused at Master Turner as I relaxed into the seat. This world and life were so bizarre that I instantly felt a little homesick. I wanted to call Mom and check in but I knew she would panic knowing that Lewis wasn't around.

Instead, I called Chloe to inform her of her brother's absence. It was Nate who picked up the call.

"Hi, Mel. We already miss you. Reach London yet?"

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