Chapter 7

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"Xavier Dallas will you be my lovely boyfriend?" His eyes said yes but...

*Alex's POV*

"Alex I really like you but I just don't want to get hurt even more. Everyone I loved or trusted they always get hurt. I'm sorry." Xavier said. What he said broke my heart.

"Who all got hurt?" I was curious. He was so interesting. I was still on top of him.

"My mom, dad, Jason, Jake, Anna, Hayden, and then eventually you."
(a/n: Anna is Xavier's little sister)

I could see the hurt in his eyes but I just had to ask more question.

"How did you hurt them?"

"Well my moms dead because I was singing in the car to loud, my dad started drinking and smoking because of my moms death, Jason and Jake were really close to my mom, and then I hurt Anna because she was only an infant when mom died." Wow... that's deep.

"H-h-how m-m-many t-times did you attempt s-s-suicide?" I was kinda scared to ask that question.

"Twenty three times from age nine to now."

"WHAT THATS A LOT!!!" I screamed.

*Jason's POV*

"Wow dude who's upstairs?" Grant asked. Yea he's younger but he's cool.

"Oh just my brother Jake. I'll go shut him up." I said.

I lied it was the little faggots new sex toy. I busted the door open and grabbed Alex pushing him into the wall hard enough so we was knock out.

Grabbing Xavier I pulled him down stairs were everyone else was.

"Look who I found. Trying to rape my brother? Huh?" I yelled at Xavier.

Me and the guys beat Xavier. We might have done a bit of dirty work but that's between me and the guys. By the time we were done teaching him a lesson he was on the floor covered with blood and unconscious. We picked him up and threw him on the stairs so he wasn't in the way.






*Alex's POV*

I woke up in Xavier's room. I checked the time. It's was 11:30 p.m. Walking out of Xavier's room I saw a figure on the stair case. I wonder who it is?

Well whom ever it was they were completely nude. Rolling the figure over so I could see his face. It was Xavier. He had cuts and and bruises everywhere.

Shaking him awake his eyelids uncovered his beautiful blue eyes. He looked down noticing he's nude.

"Where are my clothes?" He asked. I shrugged. He tried getting up but he ground and fell back down.

I picked him up off the ground bridal style. I would have said this earlier but WOW HE IS EVEN MORE PERFECT THAN I THOUGHT!

I guess I said the last part out loud cause he said "I'm not perfect." My face turned red.

"I have to go home but your coming with me." I said.

"Why?" By now he had a pair of batman boxers.

"Because you can't stay here. Your family is abusing you and raping you. Pack for the rest of the week and your staying with me." I demanded.

He only nodes his head and packs. He also puts on sweat pants and a Asking Alexandria sweatshirt.

"You enjoying yourself. Your staring at me changing." He said.

I laughed and played along "yes, yes I am. Your just so flipping sexy I can't look away" his face turned bright red when I said that.






We were finally at my house. I opened my car door and went around and opened his door. He got out of my car and put his arms out and said "carry me" he sounded like a little kid.

I smirked grabbing his book bag. I picked him up bridal style. He wrapped his arms around my neck.

When we walked in my family was asleep. Well more like my parents. My two little sisters came running over.
(A/n: I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you Alex has two little sisters)

Allie was the the youngest out of the two said "ohhhh is that your new boyfriend?" I laughed "I'm going to ask him to be mine soon" she squealed. Allie is only 8 years old. Then there's Bella she is 12 years old.

"Why are you going to ask out a faggot?" Bella asked. Im so glad Xavier had fallen asleep.

"Xavier is not a 'faggot'! He is really sweet and nice. You just have to know him." After I said that I looked at Xavier's peaceful face that was snuggled into my neck.

I carried this beautiful boy up the stairs to my room. I put him on my bed and slid off his sweatshirt. He was so sweet and innocent. Why would anybody want to hurt him? It's not his fault his moms dead. I sighed and took off my shirt and jeans. Putting in some basketball shorts. Climbing into bed putting the blanket over both of us.

I pulled him closer and pushed back his hair. I mean it when I say he is a bundle of perfection. If only he knew how much he meant to me.

I really hoped you enjoyed! Please comment, vote, and follow!

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