Chapter 10

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*Alex's POV* (before going to the woods)

"Mom! why did you throw him out of the house?" I questioned.

"Alex give me a brake. That kid is no good for you. It's hard to handle that my son all of the sudden is gay." She said annoyed.

"What's so wrong about being gay? Xavier isn't like everyone else. He is sweet and loving. Most girls are really annoying. The squealing is the worst part." I don't see a problem about being gay.

She sighed rubbing her temples and said "You know being gay is a sin. It's not right for a man to love another man or a woman to love another woman. It's just not right. And you being born and raised in this family house you should know that."

"Do u really want me to be happy with someone or do u want to be unhappy with a wife? can you answer that mom? huh?"

"I want you to be happy just without a male being your mate instead of a female." She tried to sound calm but I was mad.

"I'm gay okay? you just need to accept that. I will never be that perfect son that you can show off. Okay?" I yelled.

"Get out of my house! don't come back until you know your sins!" she yelled. The last part I didn't understand.

Storming out the house I'm pretty sure I woke up Allie and Bella. But who cares.

Tears were trying to escape from my eyes and I didn't know how long it would take for me to let go. I kept walking until I came across the woods.

Walking and walking until I was deep enough that I knew no one could her me cry.

If your wondering why I was crying it was because I was scared. I was scared that I might have lost the most important person in the world. Xavier. Xavier might be dead for all I know.

After a few minutes of crying I didn't feel alone anymore. I was correct. I heard a sweet voice say my name.


I look back to see Xavier. Jumping to my feet I bring him into a big hug full of love. Yes I said love. I said that because I love Xavier Dallas.

He looked confused but hugged me back.

"Sorry I know I look like a mess but I'm just so happy to see you. What are you doing out here in the cold all by yourself? Someone could have done something' awful to you."

"Well mom, I'm out here because I was bored. But the real question is why are you out here?" I chuckled when he called me mom.

"Well sweetie if you must know I was thrown out of my own house for sinning." I tried to sound like a adult.

"What sin?" he asked

"Oh it's nothing. It's just being gay is a sin. But I'm gay and proud of it cause I got the best person in the world that I can call mine." I picked him up spinning around when I told him he was the best person in the world.

He screeched a bit because he wast expecting me to spin around. Setting him down he almost fell on his but again. I held him a bit more so he wouldn't get hurt.






*Xavier's POV*

Me and Alex spent a lot of time together in the woods but we both had to get home.

What Alex said kept playing in my head. About how he was thrown out of the house because he was gay. I know I'm the reason for that. Like I said everything is my fault.

If I didn't go over to Alex's house, say yes when he asked me out for the second time, and if I hadn't kissed him he wouldn't have been in trouble.

As I said before everyone who gets close gets hurt. It's like I'm a bomb and when someone comes near me I blow up. Then when I blow up that person either wounds up dead, in the hospital, or just mentally hurt.

Tears strolled down my cheeks. I knew what I had to do so people will stop getting hurt.

I walked to my bathroom locking the door behind me. Scrambling through the cabinets I found what I was looking for. A bottle of sleeping pills.

I opened the lid and poured a few in my hands. After those few I took in more and more until I fell on the cold floor.

My vision was getting fizzy but to what I could make out was the door being forced open and someone shaking me. Everything went black.






*Jake's POV*

I was down stares watching cartoons when I saw Xavier walk in.

"Hey" I said.

"H-hi" something was off about him. He only stutters when he is scared or he his planning his death.

"What's wrong? your stuttering. You only stutter when your scared or your planing to make another attempt on your life."

"N-nothing." I let him go but something still didn't sit right with me.






About 20 minutes passed by and the only sound I could here was the TV. I was watching Supernatural. Best TV show I have ever watched. Sam is a guy I would go gay for and Dean is just so tough.

That tingling feeling I had earlier wham Xavier came home was back. I decided I should probably go cheek up on him.

Running up the stairs I look to see the bathroom door close and hear a thud. Running up faster to get to the door. I wiggled the door around a bit but the door wouldn't budge. So I had to be like Sammy and Dean and bust the door open.

There on the cold hard ground I saw my baby brother and a bottle of pills. Yes I said my baby brother. I am older by 10 minutes. I shook him over and over telling him to stay with me.

I called 911. Xavier better stay alive. After about 15 minutes the ambulance came and took my brother. Twenty fours attempts of suicide in counting. I sighed and looked at my brother. Tears pocked out from my eyes and I just let them fall.

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