Chapter 9

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*Xavier's POV*

Mrs. Bark was pulling me down the stairs to the front door.

"Get out of my house. You understand why I'm telling to do this right?"

"Yes ma'am. I understand." I walked out the front door. I called Jake.


"Hey Jake can you pic me up? I'm at Alex's house"

"Yea sure bro. Be there in like 10 minutes."

"Okay thanks" I hung up and walked to a tree that was in the middle of the yard.






*Jakes POV*

I arrived at Alex's house. Xavier see's me and walks to my car.

"Xavier, can you explain to me why you are only in sweatpants and sweating?" I asked

"I'm not sweating I just got out of the shower. As for being in sweatpants I was thrown out of the house." He said. By now we were almost home.

"Why were you thrown out of the house?"

"Because I'm a parasite." A tear rolls down his cheek.

"You not a parasite Xavier."

"Yes I am. I killed mom Jake! I killed her! It's my fault I ruined everybody's lives!" he yelled

"Xavier it was not your fault! it was a drunk driver! Why can't I get that through your thick head!" I yelled back.

"Because." he said calmly. He really needs to be saved from himself. I looked back over to Xavier and I could see all his cuts, burns, and bruises.

I sighed and pulled in the drive way. Xavier looked too scarred to get out of the car but I could tell he was to scarred to go inside.

"He's not home. He's on a business trip." I said. I didn't know our dad had a job but I guess he did. Xavier relaxed and got out.






*Xavier's POV*

I was alone in my room enjoying the quietness. I could not get Alex out of my mind. Just wishing to kiss his pink plump lips again. It felt right being with him. If only he was here. We could cuddle and sneak a few kisses.

It was 7:30 p.m. and I was bored. I decided to take a walk through the woods.

Grabbing my sweatshirt and walking outside. When I did so a cold breeze hit me.

I walked into the woods. The deeper I got into the woods the louder I thought I could here crying. Finally I spotted someone on the ground. Walking over I instantly knew who it was.

"Alex?" I asked

Thank you for reading this far! I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't very good I just didn't know what should happen. Also I'm sorry it took me so long to update. Thank you again! Follow, vote, and comment!

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