ten: "washington monument part 1"

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Juniper's mom, Emily, took the whole art club to an art museum. The whole time davina was worried about Peter's safety. Not one call or text message all night. She even texted ned every hour to see if Peter had texted him instead but nothing.

"And this is Van Gohg's the yellow house." The tour guide said as he led the group to the Van Gohg exhibit. "Made in 1889-"

"1888." Juniper corrected.

"Excuse me?" The tour guide said.

"Its 1888, not 1889. It was alternatively named the street. The house was the right wing of 2 Place Lamartine, Arles, France, where, on May 1, 1888, Van Gogh rented four rooms. He occupied two large ones on the ground floor to serve as an atelier and kitchen, and on the first floor, two smaller ones facing Place Lamartine. The window on the first floor near the corner with both shutters open is that of Van Gogh's guest room." Juniper finished.

The group looked at her with a smirk knowing that van gohg was juniper's favorite artist.

The tour guide looked at Emily. "She's been studying."

Davina got a text as the group kept looking at the paintings. It was from Liz.

Hey! We won! Mr. Harrington wanted to know if you guys wanted to go to the Washington monument with us? We're on our way.

I'll ask Emily

Davina went towards emily as she heard a few whispers about a certain web slinger. "Oh god, Peter." She mumbled. "Em, why don't we go to the Washington monument?"

Emily nodded. "I've been wanting to go! Gather the team and we'll go! Oh this is so exciting!"

Davina chuckled and looked for Juniper, who was teaching a group of younger children about Van Gogh. "He's known as the tortured genius. Did you know that he supposedly cut of his own ear!"

"J! Let's go!" Davina pulled Juniper away from the younger children and ran to the exit.

"But I was educating minors on the greatest creation of all time!"

Davina and juniper waited outside for the others. "Ned told me they won, and Peter didn't even show up. Keep your man in check."

"He's not my man." Davina mumbled.

Soon, they were on their way to the Washington monument. "Michelle! Congratulations on winning." Emily said to Michelle.

"Thanks. Heard your daughter was educating minors on the tortured genius." Michelle said not looking up from her book.

Emily glared at Juniper. "Again?"

"They need to know!"

"Uh, Em. I think I'll stay here with Michelle. I don't do well with heights." Davina gulped as she saw the tall building.

"Drama queen. It's only 555 feet! Call you if I can when I get to the top." Juniper clicked her tounge and walked to the entrance.

"Is there a reason you're not going?" Emily asked Michelle.

"Built by slaves?" Davina guessed.

Michelle just smiled.

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