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- your dad is music producer

- you came to the studio with him one day

- you meet the boys for the first

- one of them catches your attention

- you find out his name is Brandon

- he seems to like you too

- after everyone leaves, you guys are left alone

- he starts a conversation with you

- you learn a lot about him and vise versa

- in the end you both exchange numbers and say your good-byes

- you're sitting alone in your favorite restaurant when suddenly a guy approaches you

- he sits down across from and introduces himself

- you introduce yourself too

- he tells you he's seen you around here before, but was always afraid to come talk to you

- you start blushing like crazy

- you guys start talking about anything and everything

- he tells you he has to go, but doesn't leave without asking for your number

- you gladly give it to him and he texts you a few days later

- you're at the grocery store shopping for your mom

- you see a cute guy with blonde hair in the hair products section

- you pretend like you need some shampoo so he can notice you

- you catch him looking at you and decide to ask him if he was

- he gets super nervous at first, but you tell him it's cool

- he tells you he saw you earlier and wanted to come to talk to you, but he didn't know how

- you tell him you didn't really need shampoo, you just wanted him to notice you

- after you two flirted with each other for a while, you give him your number and tell him to call you sometime

- a week later he texts you for the first time

- you're in dance class one day

- you're dance teacher wants to pair you up with someone for a duet

- he pairs you up with a guy you've never seen before

- you learn that his name is Nick

- he doesn't really seem to like you

- you two work on your duet, but everything is going terrible

- you both just can't seem to work together

- you've made yourself a new enemy

- you're at a hockey game with your best friend

- you were seated next to a very attractive boy

- he was getting so excited about the game that he ends up spilling his drink all over you

- he apologizes to you about thousand times

- you repeatedly tell him it's fine

- he offers to by you a new shirt

- you politely turn him down

- he convinces you to let him

- you finally give in

- he buys you a jersey

- you thank him

- he realizes that he's seen you at school before

- you find out that you two have physics together

- you two talk with each other for a bit

- he asks you for your number

- you decide to play hard to get and turn him down

- you leave him in the gift shop

- he yells "I guess I'll see you at school then?!"

I had to do a lot of thinking for this one. I wanna see some comments for some requests, and make sure you vote. Last chapter for tonight coming up soon, I'm too busy watching the boys on the Late Late Show. It's all love 💋

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