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Zion: "Hello?"
Y/N: *sighs* "Hey, Zion."
Zion: "Oh hey, Y/N. How are you?"
Y/N: "Not so good. Have you heard from Brandon?"
Zion: "Yeah actually. He's with me right now."
Y/N: "What?! *pinches the bridge of your nose* Let me speak to him."
Zion: "He's in the studio right now."
Y/N: "I don't give a shit, Zion! Give him the damn phone!"
Zion: "Ight. Calm down."

Zion walked over to Brandon who was busy talking to Edwin.

"Yo, B," Brandon stopped his conversation with Edwin and directed his attention to Zion, "Your wife's on the phone."

Brandon eyes widened at the mention of his fiance. Zion handed over his phone to Brandon. He took the phone from Zion's hand.

Brandon nervously raised the phone to his ear.

Brandon: "Y/N, baby?"
Y/N: "BRANDON MICHAEL LEE ARREAGA!! Do you have any idea what time it is?! I've been worried sick about you! I almost called the police, because I thought something happened to you! And why weren't you answering my calls?!"
Brandon: "My phone died, baby. I am so sorry. I should've called you to tell that I was ok."
Y/N: "And why didn't you?! I had to get ahold of Zion just to get to you!"
Brandon: "I was just caught up in the making of music. I would've called or texted you eventually.
Y/N: "And when was that gonna be?! Huh?! It's f***ing three in the morning, Brandon!"
Brandon: "I know. I know."
Y/N: *starting to calm down* "Well, you better get home before you end up sleeping on the couch for the next 3 months."
Brandon: *sighs* "Ok, baby. I'm on my way. I love you."
Y/N: "Yeah, yeah. Just get here."

You ended the call. Brandon broke the news to everyone that he had to leave. He called an Uber and he was on his way home.

*30 minutes later*

Brandon arrived at you guys apartment. He pulled his keys out of his front pocket and unlocked the front door. On the other side of the door, there stood you.

You looked at him angrily with your arms crossed over your chest. Brandon smiled weakly at you. But you just glared at him.

You walked over to the couch and waited for him to follow you. He eventually did.

You stood in front of him still with your arms crossed, "Have a seat."

He obeyed your command and you stayed standing.

"Aren't you gonna sit down?" He asked curiously.

You shook your head, "No, I'm good standing. Thanks."

"Ok." He said pursing his lips.

"So, would you like to explain why you were out so late?" You asked him.

He sat back on the couch a little, "The boys and I were making new music. And I sorta went into overdrive. I didn't realize what time it was."

"M'kay." You nodded and began walking to your bedroom.

Brandon sat there waiting for you to come back. You soon returned with a pillow and blanket for him. You threw the two objects at him and he caught them both with ease.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait. I'm sleeping on the couch?"

"Yep." You smiled at him.

"But I came home like you told me to." He said confused.

You nodded, "I know, but you don't deserve to sleep in the same bed as me. You have to earn back your privilege. So, for the next three weeks, you'll be sleeping on this very comfortable couch. During that time, the closest you'll get to touching me will be a hug. Have I made myself clear?"

"Crystal. But can I have one last kiss before I have to suffer?" He asked you.

You sighed in defeat, "Sure."

He got up from his spot on the couch and walked over to you. He stopped right in front of you and just looked at you. You looked back at him impatiently.

He grabbed ahold of your waist and started leaning in. You wrapped your arms around his neck and began leaning in as well. His lips touched yours and your lips began moving in sync.

Brandon's hands traveled down to your butt and he lightly squeezed it. You gasped slightly, and tried to push his hands away as he deepened the kiss. His hands traveled lower and lower until he lifted you up.

You almost gave in and wrapped your legs around his waist, but you weren't gonna forgive him that easily. He let you back down on the ground and you both pulled apart. You tried to calm your heavy breathing while Brandon wiped off your lip gloss.

"Goodnight, Brandon." You said out of breath.

You turned away and began walking to your bedroom leaving a hot and bothered Brandon behind.

And done! Finally! I hope you enjoyed it. It's all love 💋

PRETTYMUCH PREFERENCES!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora