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"Flight 361 has been delayed until further notice." The lady over the intercom called out to everyone still waiting to leave the LAX airport.

You slumped down in your chair and sighed, "We're never gonna make it to Miami."

You looked over at Zion who was very intrigued by what was on his phone. It looked like he was checking the weather forecast.

Once he noticed that you were looking at him, he leaned over towards you to show you his phone.

"Look, babe." He pointed to a red glob that moved closer to your current area, "There's a hurricane watch until 12:30."

"Have we really been here for that long?" You asked him.

He nodded, "Yep and I don't we're getting out of here anytime soon."

You let out a loud huff and leaned your head onto his shoulder.

"We should've just stayed home and binge watched old TV shows or something." You admitted considering you were the one who had planned the trip to Miami.

He looked down at you and shook his head, "But we didn't and we're here now. We'll get to Miami eventually, but for right now I think you need to sleep."

"I'm not tired though." You said trying to fight the urge to yawn.

He gave you a knowing look, "Sure you aren't. Now go to sleep. I'll wake you up when it's time to go."

You rolled your eyes before slowly drifting off into a long slumber.

*Two Hours Later*

You woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go. You outstretched your arms and legs, then realized Zion wasn't next to you anymore. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Maybe he went to the bathroom." You said to yourself.

You pulled out your phone to check the time. It was a little after one. You slept for a really long time.

You started to worry that you had missed your flight. Well, Zion did say he would wake you up when it was time to leave. But where is he?

You stood up from your seat and walked over to the lady at the front desk.

"Um... excuse me, ma'am." She looked up from her computer and greeted you with a small smile, "Has the flight to Miami left yet?"

"I'm afraid so, ma'am." She spoke politely.

"Shit." You mumbled under your breath. You looked around hoping Zion would return from wherever he was soon, "Also, ma'am. Have you seen a guy around here? He's 6"2, light skin, and he has dreads."

"Earlier maybe but recently no. I'm sorry." She gave you a look of sympathy before returning back to to computer.

You sighed loudly, "Thank you."

You began to walk back to your seat to keep an eye on you luggage. You started to dial Zion's phone number, then you heard someone calling your name. You looked up to see Zion walking towards you with two cups of coffee in his hands.

You quickly got up and rushed over to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He didn't hug back obviously because he still had coffee in his hands.

You pulled away from him and looked him in his eyes, "Thank God you're okay."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"Well, when I woke up you weren't there. I thought something happened to you." You said to him.

He handed you your coffee and you guys went to go sit down.

"I'm sorry, baby. I went outside to make a quick phone call, then when I came back the plane was already gone. I debated on whether I should wake you up and tell you. But you looked so peaceful, so I just went to get us some coffee. I thought you'd still be sleep by the time I got back." He said as he sipped his coffee.

You shook your head at him smiling, "Looks like we're gonna be spending our spring break in LA after all."

He wrapped his arm around you and you snuggled your head into his chest as you drunk your coffee.

"Or we could rent a condo in Venice Beach for a few days." He suggested.

You smiled to yourself, then looked up at him, "I'd like that. Just you and me, right?"

"Yep." He kissed your forehead and started getting up, moving you out of the way in the process, "Now let's get outta here."

He grabbed your suitcases and you grabbed your backpacks. The two of you headed to the entrance and out to the parking lot. You still sipped on your coffee as you made your way to Zion's car.

He grabbed your luggage and put it in the trunk. You threw both of y'all's backpacks in the the back seat and you hopped in the passenger seat. Zion went around to the driver's side and got in.

You looked over at him and smiled, "Ya know. I'm kinda glad we're not going to Miami anymore."

He smiled back at you while turning on the car.

"Me too. I really didn't feel like seeing your mom and her new boyfriend."

You both laughed at his words and he pulled out of the airport parking lot on to the roads of Los Angeles.

This has to be my best imagine yet. It was so much fun to write. A Brandon imagine will be coming possibly tonight. It's all love 💋

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