Intro to Ashley Hitachiin

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We all know that Hikaru and Kaoru are only twins right? Wrong! Hikaru and Kaoru have a little sister who is their triplet. They don't know her, but she knows them.

Ashley Hitachiin aka Ash

Age: same as her brothers

Height: a bit taller than Haruhi

Looks: long red/orange hair, gold eyes

Likes: music, pranks, swimming, sports, and singing.

Dislikes: heights, bullies, dresses/skirts, pink.

Personality: tomboy, prankster, clumsy, nice, hardly gets mad ; if she get mad she is worse then honey and Kyouya both combine when they are woken up, cooking/baking, and kind of a rebel a times.

Intro: She lives with her dad were as the twins live with their mom.

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