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"Can we talk about this?"

"There is nothing to talk about."

My heart is racing at that moment with the gun pointed at me. My whole life seems to catch up we me in this moment. I know that he's going to shoot me. I can see it in his eyes. Liam is a man with something to prove. I keep feeling like this is karma. All of those home invasions that I did in my past, I always used to wonder what would happen if I made a mistake and someone was home. What would happen if they had a gun?

I guess you die the way you live.

And in that moment, I feel all this regret. I've never really been in a situation like this before, but I felt it coming all along. The long payback. It's like stretching a rubber band between your fingers finding glee over the elasticity but realizing sooner or later the snap back is coming.

This was my snap back.

I hear the clamour of fingers and the heavy of breathing. I brace myself. And then I hear something like a loud noise. THUD! Not the sound of a gunshot but just as scary.

"You can open your eyes," a voice says.

I didn't even know I had my eyes closed. There is someone there. The person stands over a knocked out Liam who is laid flat on the floor not moving. He's not dead but he's definitely unconscious. In her hands was an expensive bronze bust that she used to hit him in the exact place to cause Liam to laid flat on the floor. This stranger doesn't hesitate to begin to drag his body almost completely unconcerned with me. I watch the action in shock and confusion. I'm too dumbfounded to speak at first.

She drags the body to a nearby closet.

A lady that was among the wait staff. She is older or at least I think it's an older lady until I hear the voice. It's very familiar. I know this voice.


I squint trying to recognize something in this lady besides the voice that would lead me to believe it's Destiny. There is absolutely nothing.

"It's amazing what money and good make-up can do," she tells me, shoving Liam in a closet and closing the door, "That should do it."

If Destiny was here then...

"Where is he?"

"Go out the door and you'll see a set of stairs to the right. He'll be waiting for you on the very first entrance you find," she instructs me.

I'm nervous. Bashir was here. Bashir was in this house. My mind is blown wondering when it was they got the time to act so quickly. Roger and I thought we were way ahead of Destiny and Bashir. That clearly wasn't the case if they were already in the house and the girl had a disguise that could even fool me already prepared.

I look over at the diamonds that I originally came to get. They are in a box. God knows if I'll trip some wire or something. A part of me knows that I should at least try to get the diamonds. I don't want to leave here empty handed.

And then I think about it.

What is the meaning of empty-handed?

After what was about to happen with Liam the meaning of a full hand completely changed. So I decide to do the only thing that seems important to me right now. I don't hesitate. I don't even wait. I need to make things right with Bashir no matter what it took.


The room I walk to is draped up with long red curtains. It's a huge room. The ceiling is vaulted. There is a beautiful painting on the ceiling sort of like the Sistene Chapel. The ceiling is blue, studded with stars with decorative boarders around the architectural details. There are schemes of frescoes on the side walls. The room is poetic beyond anything that I've seen. It's no doubt that this is a house owned by people who valued nice things.

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