🏊Pool Routine🏊

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🛀In the shower: first i run a bath while i put a face mask on, then dropping in a bath bomb (which is rare). Then i'll wash up. Once done, i move onto shaving. I first exfoliate, then wash that off and put on conditioner as my shaving cream. Once shaved i exfoliate again. Then i'll just wash my whole body again and hop out. Moisturizing my skin with cocoa butter. By this time my skin is super soft and smells amazing 😍

👡Feet: Then i'll use a foot file to get my feet smooth. Then soak my feet again. After that i'll trim and file. Then paint them. Usually i do a manicure as well.💅

💆Face: first i'll use a peel off mask. Then go in with my normal three step. Mixing in a little cocoa butter into my moisturizer. Then i'll put highlighter on✨. The appropriate places like the tip of my nose, bridge, cheekbones, forehead, my cupids bow, and collar bone. Then i take a bronze or light cream eye shadow and put that in the corner of my eye. Then just some lip balm to finish💋

💇Hair: my hair is currently in braids so i just put it in a high bun and do my edges. Sometimes i wear a cute headband.

Then i put on sunscreen, grab all the essentials and head out.❤

((I'm so sorry, this isnt edited so i should get around to it by tonight))

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