Chapter 4

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Josh pushes Y/N to the side and he stares me down. I back away slowly, but he keeps following me. He pushes me, making my leg bend in a way it shouldn't. The pain is horrible. He waves the notebook in my face and then stomps on my leg, making me hurt even more. I sit up and Y/N comes over to me and helps me up. I limp because of my leg. Y/N puts her arm around my shoulder to help me. I can't believe she is so nice to me. Maybe she is just faking.

Y/N opens her friends door. A guy comes to the door. "Finally! Where were yo-" He cuts off his speaking and looks at me. "First of all, what happened? And second of all, who is that?" He asks. "We got in a fight with Josh.. and this is Sub." Y/N explains. "Oh! Hi, Sub!" He says, putting his hand out. I shake his hand. I wave. "I met him at school. He is my friend now and we were wondering if he can join the group." Y/N say. "Yeah, sure!" He says, smiling. I smile. "Do you guys want some ice packs, or something?" He asks. "Um, yes please. Maybe a wet wash cloth, too. Cause we are dirty." Y/N say. He walks into the kitchen and wets a wash cloth and gets 2 ice packs from the freezer. I wash some of the dirt off of me. "Everyone is upstairs. C'mon!" He says. Y/N helps me up the stairs. There are three guys in the room. One is on the computer with dark brown hair, and bright blue eyes. The second one has swooped up, light brown hair. The last one has bleached hair, with brown (I THINK) eyes.

"Guys, this is our newest member to the group!" He says. "Oh, cool!" The bleached haired guy says, smiling at me.

"Okay, Sub, this is Elijah, Alex, Braden and I'm Denis." He says. "And this is Sir Meows A Lot!" Denis says, picking up Sir Meows A Lot. I smile and I give a double thumbs up. We all chat for a while.

'What time is it?' I write. I show it to Y/N. "Guys, what time is it?" She asks for me. "Oh, uh, 4:03." Elijah says. Oh no! I have to be home by 4! I write very quickly. 'I have to go, bye, nice meeting you' I write. I show it to everyone then I speed walk out of the house. My Dad is going to be so mad...

I run in my house. "SUB! WHY WERE YOU LATE!?" Dad yells. I run upstairs and lock the door. I plop myself on my bed. Why does this have to be my life? Why can't I be normal? Why can't I have normal, loving parents? I look out my window. My Dad starts to kick the door. I write a note quickly. I throw it out the window. I curl up into the corner of my room as my Dad kicks open my door. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT LOCKING YOUR DOOR!?" He yells. He punches me. He kicks my head and I blackout.

Dad kicks me more and more. Soon, I start to bleed and bruise. I close my eyes and he stops. He leaves my room and slams my door shut. Blood everywhere. Blood on me. Blood on my face. I sneak into the bathroom and I take off my hoodie. I wash myself and I get bandages. I go to my room and cry myself to sleep. I do that a lot.

If you don't get it, the last paragraph is Sub's dream after he black outs :) Because I know it probably is a little confusing...

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