Alternate Ending: Part 1 (Chapter 14)

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This is an alternate ending for Chapter 14 'cause I thought you guys might like that sooo... here ya' go!!! And this will be split up into 2 parts; Y/N's POV and Sub's POV


It's 7 pm, and nothing has happened. "Y/N, we have to go." Denis says to me. "Ugh, fine!" I complain. "Stay safe, Sub. I love you." I kiss him, on the lips, and wave goodbye. As I walk out of the hospital door, I see a man around the corner. Oh f*ck, that's Sub's dad! "Denis, run to your mom's house, NOW." I whisper-yell. "Wh-" "JUST DO IT." I say, keeping an eye on the man. He starts walking towards us. "Go! Now!" I yell to Denis and he sprints off. I start running from the father and find myself locked in a bathroom.

He won't find me in here. I quietly open a cabinet door and climb in. I close the door and wait.

Oh, no.. SUB!

I open the cabinet doors frantically but as quietly as I can. I see Sub's dad banging (don't make this dirty) on Sub's door. The father breaks the door, and now I know I have to save Sub. I sneak out of the bathroom and start tip-toeing towards a vase. Nice and heavy.. I slowly walk to the hospital door. I hear loud noises and crying from the room.

When I reach the hospital door, I ever-so-gently.. open the door.. and see a bloody mess. The father is beating Sub with a baseball bat, and his gun is on the ground. I walk away from the door to catch my breath. What do I do? I look at the vase. The gun.. the gun- THE GUN! I set the vase down on the floor. I tip-toe into the hospital room, while Sub's dad is facing the other way. I pick up the gun with my shaky hands and aim at the father. He turns around and-

More.. blood...

I shot him. I.. shot... him. I set the gun down and fall back on the floor. I just shot a person.. I then realize; Sub. I look up, and see him bloody, bruised, damaged.. hurt. My Sub.. I get up and walk to him. "Sub?" I touch his hand. "O-Owww.." I look closely at his arm. "This might hurt a little bit, but.." I pick up his arm and feel his bone. He tenses and holds his breath. "Broken." I mutter to myself. My mom used to be a doctor, so I know some of the basics.

"Sub, I'm going to get you help."

Bonus (Denis POV)

I start running as Y/N told me and think, "why did she make me run?" I glance back and see.. Sub's dad? I have to help them! I stop and look back. No, I have to keep going. Y/N would want me to keep going. I open the door to my house and say to mom, "Call 911, it's something at the hospital. Sub's dad is trying to hurt Y/N and Sub." She looks at my like I'm insane. "Wait, what?!" She ask confused. I sigh, and explain to her. "No, please, call 911!" I say, looking outside at the hospital.

End of Part 1 of the Alternate Ending (Chapter 14)!

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