Chapter 6

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An angel appears in front of me. She moves her hand weirdly at my forehead. I pass out. I wake up almost immediately after I passed out. I float out my body. The angel leads me through a hospital door. Suddenly, we are outside. I think we are in the past. "You blacked-out. Y/N read your note." The angel says. I nod. I float in front of Y/N. She is crying. Is she crying about me? She doesn't seem to see me. The angel looks like someone, someone I know. Y/N. Why does the angel look like Y/N? The angel snaps her fingers and I wake up in a hospital bed. A doctor is at the end of the bed. "Hello, Sub." He says. I wave with my bruised hand. Finally, it all comes back to me. Y/N was crying about me. About me being hurt. She cares for me? Who would care for me? Y/N, apparently. I have a pounding headache. The doctor leaves the room and pokes his head through the door. "You have some people to visit." He says, smiling. He opens the door and holds it open. "SUB!" Y/N screams as she runs to me. She hugs me. A nice, warm hug. I've never been hugged before. Denis, Elijah, Braden and Alex walk through the door. "She really wanted to see you." Elijah says. "Heh, y-yeah.." She says, blushing. I smile. I look to my left and see a paper and pen. I start writing. 'You guys are the absolute best :)' I write. Alex reads it out loud with his British accent. "Aw, your welcome, Sub!" Braden says. The doctor walks in with a big needle. "Sub needs to get some rest, but it is impossible for him to get to sleep when he is in this condition." The doctor says. I frown and whimper a little. I hate big needles. "Hey, Doc, can I hold his hand, 'cause I think he is a little afraid." Y/N says, smiling and kneeling down to the bed's height. "Yes, you may." The doctor says, smiling. I blush under my hoodie, so I hope no one see's. She grabs my hand, despite the bruises. I squeeze Y/N's hand as he sticks the needle into my knee. I pass out right there and then.


I sit on the edge of a cliff. I look down and I see fog. I can't even see the bottom. The ground crumbles under me. I fall into the depths of the ravine. All of a sudden, I stop falling. I look up, and see a beautiful angel that caught me. She looks like Y/N. She is all white, with big, beautiful wings. She pulls me closer to her face until we...-

"Sub, wake up!" The doctor says to me. I wake up and I look at the doc. "You have been asleep for 3 hours." He says. I make a surprised look and see that my friends are gone. Even Y/N. "Your friends had to leave to eat dinner, I think." He says. "We have to put you up for adoption." The doc says, out of the frickin' blue. My mouth is wide open. What, why!? Why can't I live with my friends!? I slump down into my bed and I hide even more of my face into my hoodie. I feel a hand on my back. It's the angel from my dream. I blink and she's gone.

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