Chapter 13

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I kick open the hospital door. Sub is laying in bed. He reaches his arm out to me, and I rush to him. But before I can reach him, his eyes shut. The doctors clear out for me. Once I reach him, I take a good look at him. The cuts on him are deep, and covered with clear bandages. He has tear stains on his face, and his expression is dead-looking. I take his hand. A hand touches my back, and see it's Denis. "I have to go." He says. "Wait-" Before I can say otherwise, he's out the door. "Well, I guess it's just you and me now." I say to Sub. I kiss his forehead and sit in a chair close to him. After a while, I fall asleep.

Denis POV

I unlock the door of my house and walk in. "Oh, hi, Denis! You're home early?" Mom says. I nod a little and trot upstairs. I take out a picture of Braden. So adorable. I stare at the picture. Is it okay to like him? I sigh, and put the picture down. I pick up my phone and call Braden. I'll tell him how I feel..

Hey, Denis! Why'da call me?

His voice is so pure. Ugh, I love him.

H-Hey, Braden! I need to, u-uh, tell you something.

Well, what is it, silly!

Ugh! He is so sweet. I hate it! But he's cute, so..

W-Well, uhmm-m..

I stutter, embarrassed. Maybe I shouldn't tell him now..

You good, Denis? Are you still there?

Yeah, sorry.

What did you want to tell me? You don't have to tell me if you don't want.

Well, the f*ck do I do now! Come up with an excuse? No.. maybe I should just not tell him anything..


You know, n-nevermind.

Ok, then, bye bye!

I mutter out a goodbye and hang up. I should have just told him! What if he doesn't like me back.. I pick up the picture again. So cute...


"Y/N." I awaken to someone tapping me. "Yes?" I say sleepily. "Just thought I'd give you some info on Sub." It's a doctor. "Thank you." I say, sitting up in my chair. "So," The doctor tells me all about it. Basically, Sub lost a lot of blood, but he will still live. He may be a little clumsy after do to losing that much blood, but other than that, he's fine. I sigh a sigh of relief. Thank god.. I think as the doctor walks out. I stand up and sit on Sub's bed. I know he can't hear me, but I start whispering to him. "Hey, Sub... You're gonna be fine... The doctor said you're very lucky to have lived." I tell him all about what the doc said. Tears build up in my eyes. "Such a sweet boy... How could he have done this to himself.." I take his hand. I have to talk to him.. I have to wake him up.

I tap his shoulder. No response. I shake him a little. Still no response. "Sub." I say softly. This obviously isn't working. "Sub!" I say louder. "Sub!" He flinches a little, bit doesn't wake up. I sigh. "Sub!"

He starts screaming, which startles me. "Sub! Sub, it's okay." I hold his hand. "Sub, you're fine." I whisper. He opens his eyes a bit. Then sits up and hugs me. He cries over my shoulder. "Aw, don't cry.." I hug him tighter, careful not to hurt his arm. "Shh.." I close my eyes.

I break the hugs and say to him, "You'll do fine. And you need to stay strong." I hug him again, and I see a little smile from him.

I tell him about Denis and Ms. Kopotun and school. His expression is blank, so I say, "Sub?" "Sub, are you ok?" He seems to snap back to reality, and writes something. 'Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry'. "It's fine." I smile and keep talking. While I'm talking, he takes a piece of paper. I watch him as he writes. He gives it to me. 'I've never said it in person, so here ya go. I love you'. There's a little heart at the end. "Th-Thank you!" I blush and put it in my pocket. To break the silence, I rant on about how DDLC was on the news for being "too explicit for children", even though there's a warning at the beginning of the game. Someone taps my back, and I see Sub is sitting up behind me. I turn my head. "Wha-" He kisses me. He kissed me?

I'm walking home, and take out the note Sub have to me. 'I've never said it in person, so here ya go. I love you'. I love him, too. I mean, it was probably pretty obvious when I kissed back. I knock on Denis' door. Ms. Kopotun answers and says, "Oh, hi, Y/N! Denis is in his room if you need him." I nod and take off my coat.

I walk upstairs to Denis' room. He knows I like Sub, so I can rant on and on about what happened today. I open the door to his room. He's sitting on his bed, holding a picture of someone. Braden. Denis notices me and stuffs the picture under his blanket. "Ugh, Y/N! What did I tell you about knocking!?" "Sorry." I giggle and plop down next to him. "So, you're not going to believe this," I smile.

"He kissed you?" Denis smirks. "Yeah." I blush. "You two are so cute together." Denis laughs. "Oh, shut up!" I laugh along with him. "Sub loves you so much." Denis smiles. "Speaking of love," Denis' eyes trail to the ground, "When you walked in, did you see the picture I was holding?" I nod.

Does Denis like Braden? I knew he was gay, but not for Braden! Though, the ship Dorl is really cute. "Well," Denis blushes, "I-I like Braden. A LOT. I LIKE HIM A LOT." Denis' hand flies over his mouth. I smirk. "Aww, the ship has sailed!" Denis smiles a little. "I support you." I pat his back. "Thank you." Denis hugs me. The door gets pushed open, and I see it's Sir Meows A Lot. "Meow!" He mews loudly. "He's hungry." Denis is one of the few people who can communicate with cats. Denis gets up and walks downstairs, with Sir Meows A Lot close behind. I trot around Denis' room, and pick up the picture of Braden. It's his school photo. His hair is swooped up almost like Elijah's, but not as floofy as Elijah's. He has a light pink button up shirt with an 8-bit heart on the side of the shirt.

It's the next day, and I'm walking to school. Denis is sick supposedly. As I'm walking up to the school, I see a person hanging around near the entrance. Josh. I roll my eyes. He spots me and calls me over. What does he want? "What is it?" I say to him. "So, uhm," A kid behind him pushes his back and says, "Just tell her!" "Shut up, Andrew!" Josh mutters. "I, uh, like you and I was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me?"




What the f*ck? WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK?! "N-No, I, uh.. like s-someone... else.." I walk away before he can say anything.

While in Math class, the group of "Cool Girls" ask me, "Did Josh really ask you out?" I nod, trying not to make eye contact. "He is so hot!" A girl says. I roll my eyes, and say, "I declined." Because I like Sub, I want to say. They gasp dramatically. I concentrate on my work, and eventually, they walk away.

I'm walking home, and I see Josh walking towards me. I flip on my hood, and speed walk away. I knock on the door, and Ms. Kopotun answers. I look around, and Denis is no where to be seen. "Where is Denis?" I ask. "He went to visit Sub, I believe." That's odd.. My phone starts ringing, and I see it's Denis. "Perfect timing.." I mumble. I pick it up. "Denis! Why aren't you her-" "Y/N, bad news. Sub's dad got out of jail early and is in the hospital right now! Come over." I stand shocked. "Y/N? Y/N, are you there?" I snap back to reality. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be over in a minute." I hang up the phone, and say goodbye to Ms. Kopotun.

This day is going so great..

1461 words! Omygod

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