Chapter 12

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I'm in the bathroom, and I glance at the knife. It's the next morning. Should I? No one would know..

Do it.

I pick up the knife. Sharp. I pick the other arm, this time. I begin cutting. Blood rushes out, again. But I don't care. I keep slitting until it hurts too much.

That's great.

Good job.

You did the right thing.

I smile a little. Blood is dripping on the ground, and my arm is a deep red. I fall back on the floor. I close my eyes and feel the blood rush out to the side of me. It's like a bloodbath. I here knocking on the door. Oh f*ck. I can't let anyone see this. But I can't get up. I'm breathing heavily and I'm becoming nauseous. Someone knocks again.

Get up, you weak piece of sh*t.

Get up.

But I can't. The door gets kicked open and I see a doctor. He runs to get more people, I assume. I get picked up by a stretcher with my arm hanging off the edge. My eyelids are just barely open, but I can see a doctor close to me dialing a number. Y/N's.

What will she think after she's heard this?

You shouldn't have cut your arm.

They put me in my room, and soon after the room floods with doctors looking at me. I can almost hear a doctors voice; "" The door swings open, and I see Y/N's face, along with Denis'. With my good arm, I reach out to her. She runs to me, but before she can get to me,



It's dark. Everywhere. I can't see. In the distant I see a figure. It's fully black and has... a black dripping face? It's back is facing me. It's tall, like slender man. Though it doesn't look like him. I squint at it. It's head slowly turns to me. It's f*cking terrifying! It's face is melting. It smiles widely, and turns its whole body to me. I slowly back away, but it walks towards me. Sweat drips down my face. I back away quicker, but it just walks towards me quicker. "Sub!" It screams. It knows my name? "Sub!" It walks to me. I glance to the side, and it sprints at me. "Sub!"

I wake up screaming. "Sub! Sub, it's okay." A voice says. My eyes are shut tight. "Sub, you're fine." A women's voice explains. I open my eyelids slightly. I see a blurry Y/N. I sit up in my hospital bed, even when my arm hurts like hell. I hug her. Tears run down my face. "Aw, don't cry.." Y/N hugs me tighter. I start crying harder. "Shh.." She pats my back. Her face is suddenly in front of mine. I blush just a little. "You'll do fine. And you need to stay strong." Her beautiful eyes look into my brown eyes. I nod, and she pulls me back into a hug.

"Yeah, so Ms. Kopotun is doing great." Y/N says. We've been talking for hours. Well, she's been talking, I've been writing. I just love her so much. I've said it in texts, but I've never actually never said it in person. Should I write it?


It's good to express your feelings.

No, it's not.

Keep it in.

My two voices are now fighting in my mind. "Sub?" I now just realize that I've been not listening to Y/N. "Sub, are you ok?" I write down 'Yeah, I'm good. Sorry'. "It's fine." She smiles. As Y/N talks about things, I think about whether or not I should tell her. I decide that I should.

I take a piece of paper in the middle of her talking. She looks at the paper. I write down 'I've never said it in person, so here ya go. I love you'. I draw a heart at the end. I give it to her. "Th-Thank you!" She blushes, and I do too. Y/N keeps ranting on and on about something. I don't even know. But I have an idea.. I hope this will work...

I sit up, and look at Y/N. She keeps ranting and I tap her back. She turns around. "Wha-" I kiss her. A long kiss.

Mute - Sub x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang