Imagine saving Peter Quill

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He stood there, the Milano far away and chaos surrounding him. The rest of the Guardians were lost in their own battles and Peter, against everything he believed in, felt a sense of hopelessness.

As the world around him collapsed, there was only one thing on his mind - one person.


Peter scanned everything around him, heart dropped at the thought of never seeing you again. Never pressing his lips against yours or tossing you against his mattress, to not only have his way with you, but to love you. To hold you against his chest and feel your fingers dance across his skin.

He tried once more to speak through his comm, but there was nothing on the receiving end, so he took a deep breath - preparing himself for the inevitable, picturing your face twisted in a roaring laugh.

It must have been the delusional of death nearing that had him hearing your voice and he smiled, shutting his eyes closed.



His moss colored eyes jerked up and he lifted his head up to see you, standing on the edge of the Milano's ramp, smirking gracefully.

"PETER JASON QUILL," you yelled over the thunderous sound of the planet erupting. The Milano edged closer to the man and you kneeled down, gripping the ramp with one hand, holding out the other.


Peter's entire being lit up and he smiled widely, grabbing your hand and jumping onto the ramp. He held you tightly and when he pulled away, he kissed you long and hard.

Breathless, you broke the kiss and touched his face. "Figured I'd come get you."

"Thanks for saving my ass!"

You shrugged, slipping both hands around his waist. "Anytime, Quill, anytime."

☆ Peter Quill ☆  Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now