Disabled Anyship (but Cream)

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CH/1 has some sort of disability, and CH/2 is their roommate, but also has a huge crush on CH/1. They always try to help any way they can, but it's not always easy.

Scenarios for each disability

Blind - CH/1 Has memorized the small apartment building they've lived alone in for so long, but when they find out they're getting a roommate, they kind of freak out, knowing all the new things and belongings and... Someone walking around that they won't be able to memorize the location of.

Deaf - CH/1 is scared very easily since they can't tell if someone is creeping up behind them. They used to get bullied to hell and back because of it, and it's not taken lightly if CH/2 ever sneaks up on and surprises them.

Mute - CH/2 is usually a talkative person, but they realize very quickly why they never get any responses from CH/1 and have to try and find another way for them to quickly communicate back so neither of then are restricted to yes or no questions.

Speech - CH/1 is a very talkative and friendly roommate. Thing is, due to a mental disability, most words are either mumbled, skipped over, slurred, cutoff, have certain syllables missing, or have random letters ignored.

(If something becomes too undecipherable, please add a translation in parenthesis!)

Traumatized - CH/2 found CH/1 in a dumpster all by themselves and couldn't help but take them home. CH/2 realizes that CH/1 doesn't respond nicely to most normal things very quickly and had to try and find a way around every situation.

(I call CH/1 for this one-)

Lost leg - CH/1 had been in a wheelchair almost all their life, so they preferred to keep everything clean and tidy so the tool didn't bump or almost fall. Skip a few weeks and CH/2 isn't the most Nessy person in the world, but they do leave things on the ground sometimes without realizing it a lot.

Lost arm - CH/1 is very short, so getting something from a higher cabinet or on a high shelf on the fridge is a huge hassle. They have trouble balancing themselves a lot of the time, and is very attached to CH/2. Gos knows what would happen if CH/2 had to go for any more than two days.

Eugh that's all I got for now, don't be afraid to add your own twists and turns to the scenarios, if you use them! (Please do though, I'm excited for all of them)

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