Su¡c¡dal Anyship

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In a mood.

I won't really reply to ones like these unless I'm in one of those moods, so, don't expect too much activity on these ones.

If it's fine, I would rather be CH/1 for these scenarios. I get very sensitive when it comes to other characters in roleplays that try to kill or mutilate themselves. I understand that other people do it to help themselves, like a coping mechanism in writing form, but this isn't the book to do it in because I really need to. I haven't let anything out in a really long time and I think it's needed.

Anyway, enough of my emotional bullshit, here's some scenarios. Huge trigger warning, if you couldn't tell already.

Scenario one: CH/2 was getting some really bad feelings from CH/1's aura today, worse than usual. They just.. Didn't seen right. Call them a stalker, but CH/2 decides to look through their friend's room to make sure everything is fine.
Long story short.. there was a noose made and hanging from the ceiling in ths closet with a stool under it and a little notepad with a pen. CH/1 had gotten home a few minutes before they found it, and got some food they liked while listening to their favorite music. Then head to the closet and find CH/2 waiting for them in tears.

Scenario two: CH/1 and CH/2 got into a huge fight in the middle of their sleepover, and decided to take a bit of time away from each other that night. Truth was, CH/1 was already on very thin ice, one wrong step and the whole thing would shatter. They thought that CH/2 hated them, they thought it was all their fault... And that was the step.
At about three AM, CH/1 got up and snatched their razor from the desk drawer, breathing rapidly while speed walking to the bathroom. They left a jote on the door to hopefully stall anyone thst found it enough, then climbed into the bathtub after preparing themselves by summoning an ecto, then raised the razor to their wrist. Up the road instead of across the street.

Scenario three: CH/2 was instructed to show a new kid around the school, and by the time they got to the rooftop, CH/1 was writing something in a notepad while leaning on the side of the railing. They thought nothing of it at first, but once the kid had found their way to the class, CH/2 decided to have another look. They knew CH/1 had severe depression, and something seemed very off about those two factors put together.
CH/1 had their shoes off, standing atop the railing with the notepad and pen lain upon the footwear, just staring blankly at the ground below. It was the courtyard, and there were many students. Not one noticed them, however, and that just made then want to jump more. They'd made their decision, it was just a little hesitation.

A Sanscest (And A Few Ocs) RP Book For When I'm BoredWhere stories live. Discover now