Disordered anyship (but Cream again-)

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As CH/1's S/O, it's CH/2's job to keep them happy and safe, and vise versa. It's only now that they realize what CH/1 has been hiding from them all along.

Scenarios for each disorder (that I could think of & come up with a scenario for-)

Anorexia (Bulimia) - CH/2 is suddenly hit with a wave of realization when today rolled around, CH/1, who hadn't eaten anything but half an apple slice and a few grapes the entire day, suddenly downed an entire day's worth of food in one sitting, then sprint upstairs to the bathroom a small bit after. CH/1 wasn't aware that CH/2 had gotten home so early from work, and followed them upstairs to finally see the cycle they desperately needed to break.

Self-mutilating - CH/1 is sure they're home alone, so they grab CH/2's exacto knife and bring it to their own bedroom, closing the door and failing to lock it correctly. They go into the closet and start the normal routine, unaware that CH/2 was making their way upstairs.

The following two are based on the physical versions, not sexual.

Masochism - While baking something together, CH/1 and CH/2 are both humming to themselves in a kitchen, distracted slightly. CH/1, who'd had to cut some stuff up, ends up slicing a chunk of their finger almost all the way off. CH/2 sees blood everywhere and jumps into action, surprised at how calm CH/1 was. It obviously still hurt for CH/1, but there was another feeling there too. Satisfaction? Or just pleasure?


adism - CH/1 thought they were home alone, so that means gore videos and popcorn. They get to the dark web and search up some shit, then find their usual site and start watching some videos that sound interesting from the thumbnail or title. CH/2 had gotten home a little earlier, and planned to play a quick prank. They'd stay behind the couch and scare CH/1! It'd be perfect! That was not what they got though, looking up and finding a face full of gore. Not fake, like SAW, real human gore.

Amnesia - CH/2, who was CH/1's S/O, was visiting the hospital to check up on said partner. They knew it wouldn't be good, but they had to try, right? Big surprise, CH/1 remembers a little, but that was because they were informed who their families and friends were. It was heartbreaking, but CH/2 kept strong.

Narcolepsy - CH/1 was forced to be up all night for an assignment and some studying, and their day consisted of a lot of walking, with breaks to lay limp few and far between. In one of those breaks, they get pulled into the hallway from a teacher, and they ask if CH/1 needs to go to the nurse. They deny, and the teacher doesn't press. CH/2 sees them in the hallway, and strikes a conversation with their new boy/girlfriend. CH/1 can't get through half of it before they pass out.

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