Neko × Wolf Anyship (but Cream)

184 1 126

Scenario one:
A blizzard had begun, and CH/2 quickly ran to their alleyway. It had a releltively non-leaking dumpster you could sleep comfortably in, so it was one of the best on the block for a small wolf.
They were about to climb into the dumpster before hearing... Mewling? Like a kitten in distress, whimpering and whining. CH/2 looks around quickly, and pinpoints the sound to behind the dumpster. They sniff around to try and get a better scent, and move some newspapers out of the way, which were hiding a newborn little CH/1.
They were shivering, extremely small, and very vocal. They were mewling and whining pathetically, they definetly wouldn't last the night in this freezing cold weather.
So CH/2 very carefully takes them into the dumpster to get then warmed up, clean, and try their best to nurse them back to health.

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