Chapter 4

52 7 2

Pic of Adriana, Maya, Nelson and Jason

Andrew POV

I had a hectic day today,i'm very tired and stressed out. I looked at my wrist watch and saw it was 11:15,getting inside my car i put on the engine and drove out of the car park.

The ringing of my cell phone made me removed my gaze from the road.

"Hello, yes?".
" Of course, we are going to do the signing of the documents tomorrow "
"After you transfer the money to the company's account, we'll send the goods.
" Thank you ".

I heard the sound of a horn from a car, raising my head to look at the road.

I saw a truck moving towards my car. Swaying my car from the coming truck, the car made a screeching sound on the road. I try to avoid the truck but i wasn't fast enough, it was too late already. The truck hit my car which somersaulted five times.

I knew i was already bleeding. The last thing i heard was the sound of sirens and voices of people, then my eyes closed.

Olivia POV

I was cooking dinner when i heard the front door opened and closed, i guess my husband is back.

" Honey,i'm home"i heard him say while coming to the kitchen.

"Of course, i know you are home already"i said while taking the food out of the pot.

" Where are the kids?"he asked while looking around the house.

"They are upstairs playing". I begin to set the table,turning to go back to the kitchen. I said to him" why don't you go take your bath,when i'm done I'll call you and the kids"i said while looking at him, he then nod his head walking upstairs.

Done with setting the table, i called my husband and kids down to eat.

"Mommy, when we are through can we watch a movie?" my son Max asked me.

"Of course, why not?".

" Yes"he said while jumping on his seat.

When we were through with eating, we choose a movie to watch. We then settle on the movie skyscraper. Half way to the movie, they fell asleep.

Picking up my son,Max i took him to his room. Half way through the stairs, i heard my cell phone ringing.I heard my husband talking and i knew he already answered the call.

Thinking of my life, i know it's perfect. What could i ask for, i already had two kids. Max,a boy and Linda, a girl with my wonderful husband. I dropped Max on his bed,and walked out of the door.

Walking into the sitting room, i switch off the TV and sat down to see my husband devastated.

I looked at the time to see it was 11:15,turning my attention to my husband i ask him.

"What was the call about?". I asked him, only to see him hesitating to tell me." Are you alright? ".

He breath in deeply then said" it's about your brother, he...he...he was involved in a car... car wreck ".He stuttered.

" He what!!".I'm sure i didn't hear him well because i stood there like an idiot.

"Look honey,why don't you just go to the hospital while i look after the kids at home". He said trying to reassure me.

I ran a hand through my hair frustrated, took my car keys and ran out through the door going to the hospital.

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