Chapter 13

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Hey guys,i want to apologized for the late update i'm so so so so sorry. If only you could see me now, i'm on my knees asking for forgiveness for abandoning you all this time. I actually went to camp and i couldn't reply to all your messages but when i got some time, i did reply. I don't know if that's a good excuse but do accept my sincere and genuine apology. Also i made this chapter long enough to make it up to you guys. As i said before i have exams to write and i'm preparing for it so please do understand. I should not waste any more of your time, i have some questions for you at the end of this chapter,please read on.

Olivia pov
I went to call security as fast as i can because if anything happen to Andrew i know mom will not be happy with me and i will be on her bad list and i wouldn't want that to happen.

I saw two security men and i told them what my problem is and they agreed to help me.

When we got to Andrew's room, the door was slightly opened. I am really confuse because i know i shook the door handle more than once but it was still locked.

"Ma,the door isn't locked it's open maybe you were mistaking".

" We'll go back to our duty now ". And with that they left me there.

" Olivia, Olivia "i turned my head to see it was mom who was calling my name.

" What are you doing outside standing here you're supposed to be with Andrew looking after him "

"Mom calm down i was just about to go inside, come on let's go"

"I just saw two security men leaving, what happened and is Andrew alright?"

"Well...the door was locked... or was it..i'm sure it was cause when i tried opening wouldn't budge...oh God what am i even saying"

"Olivia,what's going on?"
"And stop rambling too"

"The thing is i went out for a while and when i came back i tried opening the door but it was locked inside, it was as if someone was inside the room so i went to call for help from the two security men but when we got here the door was opened"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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