Chapter 7

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Pic of Adriana

Adriana's POV

I sat alone on a hill,lost in thoughts. My brother had been my shield ever since my parents changed. My parents always wanted me to do what they say even if it's against my wish, my brother was always there to support me, he always told me to do what i know is right. But he won't be there any more, i feel guilty right now because i wore a club dress into the hospital to see my brother.

He has told me thousand times to stop spoiling the family name, to stop making a fool out of myself but i just won't listen. Now he's in the hospital who knows,it could be because of my stubbornness. I couldn't stop blaming myself.

The ringing of my cell phone made me conscious of my environment. Bringing it out, i looked at the caller to see Olivia's name on it.

"Hello,what's it?". My voice was dry from crying.

" Adriana, can you come home now we know you are not in the hospital and it's morning already ".It's seems like she was panicking or something, i just couldn't place my hand on it

I walk slowly back to my car,i still couldn't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. What could possibly happen when my brother is in the hospital, I just wish everything will get better from here.

Entering my car, i drove home to see all the lights on. I got into the house to see my mother sitting on the floor and my sister sitting on the sofa. I didn't see my father so i'm guessing he went to drink away his sorrow which was useless because they wouldn't go away.

Closing the door,i didn't know what to say when both of their heads raised up to look at me. I was walking towards my room when Olivia's voice stopped me.

" Where were you at this time "she asked looking at me.

"I was at a place you don't need to know about" i was starting to get upset with all her questions.

"We don't need to know cause you were at the club again" my mother spoke up with so much venom in her voice.

What the hell was that "mom,i wasn't at the club okay, i just went somewhere to cool off my mind" i was still trying to reassure her, i wasn't at the club.

"You were supposed to be there with us at the hospital but you were with that gold digger of a boyfriend" she was burning with rage right now and i wore a look that says 'that isn't true'.

"What isn't it true and don't give us that face"Olivia said walking towards me.

" Or maybe she's shock that we found out the truth aren't you?, well your best friend,Maya told us"my mom added.

"What...what...that... isn't true" i was beyond shocked, surprised and confused.

My mom walked up to me and slapped my cheek so hard so hard that my head turned to the other side and my cheek sting so badly, i'm sure there's a mark.

"Don't you even dare deny it,she said that you left the club to your boyfriend's house" she shouted in my face.

"I can't believe that you're my daughter cause no daughter of mine will behave like this".
Her face was adamant while saying that.

"Go pack your things and get out of my house and never come back until you change your dirty ways and i don't want to ever see you here again if you don't change in order words i'm disowned you" she was so sure of it and that made me cry.

I quickly ran through the stairs, went inside my room and begin to pack my things. I didn't pack everything, i just packed two suitcase and went downstairs.

I didn't have anything to say to them so i just walked out of what i called a home ever since i was young.

Hello guys, sorry for the late update i have to prepare for an upcoming exam and i didn't have the chance to update, if you find any mistakes do let me know.

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