Eddie // Jasmine

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Eddie and Jasmine were the only two left at the sewers, the rest of the Losers had rode off  minutes before leaving the two alone. Jasmine was a little scared knowing that there is a killer demonic clown running around eating innocent children. Who wouldn't be frightened?

"Ed, I hope this isn't to much to ask but can you walk me h-home? I don't know if you know this but I have a fear of clowns... It's called coulrophobia." 

The brown eyed boy whips his whole body around and gave her a dirty look, "NO SHIT! I know there are people out there who have fears of clowns but you shouldn't be one of them, you're fine, so suck it up and get on with your life! Walk yourself home!" 

"What's your problem Kasbrak?" Jasmine takes a few steps closer but instead he takes giant steps back. 

"Nothing! But all I know is that I don't have to walk home some candy-ass. Do you know what a candy-ass is?"

Jasmine shakes her head, "No." she whispers.

A candy-ass is a coward, pussy, a wimp!" he walks away without looking back once to see if Jasmine was okay. She stood there in shock, Eddie has never spoken to her like she's some piece of garbage. He's never been rude to her once until now. 

 The next day Jasmine stayed away from the losers at all costs. She wouldn't even glance their way. When Stanley and Bill tried starting a conversation with her she walked away and acted as if she didn't hear a single word come out of their mouths, "Jasmine I was talking to you!" Stan yelled out in frustration.

After school she walked home herself, she was almost home but stopped in her tracks when she saw Eddie. She slowly walks up to the slightly shorter boy and confronts him, "What hell is your problem?" 

Eddie turns his head to look back at her, but instead of using his body to steer, his head does a 360 and his back was still facing Jasmine.

She was speechless and she knew then that 'Eddie' isn't actually the Eddie she knew, "What was that you said my dear?" a spine-chilling voice says.

"HOLY SH-" 'Eddie's' body transformed into a devilish clown, he looked her up and down then pounced on her. He hid her away in the sewer where all his victims float over her head. 

"Eddie? What on God's green earth are you doing?!" Richie yells out. 

Eddie hops on his bike and is frantic, "Get on your damn bike! All of you! Jasmine is in trouble, I just know it!" they all jump on their bikes and ride around town trying to find their friend. 

"I-IT has h-her d-d-doesn't he?" Bill was in shock and didn't know how to feel about it, he's already lost his own brother and now one of his closest friends. When they got to the sewers they all huddled together hoping the clown wouldn't take them too. It didn't stop them from saving Jasmine though. 

"Hiya children." They all jump in fear but keep try keeping calm, "Give us back Jasmine!" Richie yells out acting all tough.

"Not  until I have this one." IT reaches out towards Eddie and curls his fingers around his neck. Eddie closes his eyes tight and doesn't fight it. This started a war. Richie grabs a baseball bat and beats the living crap out of the bastard. The other boys and Bev began to strike the clown with whatever they can find in the grey water. 

When they won the war against the killer clown they run around the sewer until they found their friend. Eddie grabs Jasmine and pulls her in a hug, "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I wasn't trying to be rude- it's just I like you and I didn't want you to know so I was you know just plain mean- a dic-" 

Jasmine leans in a plants a kiss on his lips leaving the boy speechless. She pulls away but Eddie pulls her back in this time leaving her speechless. 


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