Chapter One: Boyfriend

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Kurt's Pov

"Hey, Kurt, I was wondering... We've gone out a few times, would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" I turn and see a very sweet and nervous Chandler standing there.

"Oh, Chan, I'd love to!" I say enthusiastically, hugging him. He looks so happy, and so am I. I give him a quick kiss and we continue to talk until he has to leave.

Getting ready for bed that night I replay what happened today in my head. I'm so happy, I finally have a boyfriend!

I fall asleep with thoughts of Chandler in my head.


When I wake up I get ready for school, excited to tell my friends about Chandler and I. I'm a bit late to school so I can't tell them beforehand, so I wait for glee club.

When school finally ends, I rush to the choir room, sitting through the lesson before walking up to Rachel and Mercedes. "Guess what?!" I say excitedly.

"What? Is Barbara doing a Funny Girl revival?" Rachel asks excitedly.

"Chandler asked me to be his boyfriend!" I squeal. They hug me and quiz me endlessly about it, excited for me.

"The most important question is, when is you first date as an official couple?" Rachel asks enthusiastically.

I slap my palm to my forehead. "Crap! I was supposed to meet him for coffee after glee! I'm late, I have to go!"

I say a quick goodbye and run out the door, driving to the Lima Bean. I see Chandler sitting with two coffees in front of him and rush back to him.

"You're late," he says coldly.

"I'm so sorry, glee ran late and I didn't notice the time until I was telling the girls that we are officially dating," I apologize.

He stands up and walks towards the door. I follow him I open my car door for him, a bit afraid of how quiet he is. When we get home we walk into the kitchen.

"Do you want something to drink?" I ask. No response. "I'm sorry, Chan, did I do something wrong?"

"Did you do something wrong? You were too busy talking to your friends for me! Do you like them more than you like me?" he asks brokenly.

"No! Chan, they're just my friends. I was just late, it's not a big deal-" Bam. Chandler's fist collides with my jaw. I stumble backwards in shock. "Don't you get it? I feel cast aside!" he yells.

He looks at my face and breaks down crying. "Kurt, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I was just worked up and angry, please forgive me," he sobs.

I rush forwards to comfort him. "It's okay, shh, it's okay. I don't blame you, it's my fault, I shouldn't have been late. You're my first priority," I say soothingly, rocking him back and forth.

Once he calms down we watch a movie, curling up on the couch together. My jaw hurts a lot, so I get an ice pack from the fridge and put it on it. He looks over at me and gets angry again.

"Why, Kurt?! Are you trying to make me feel guilty?!" he yells again, his fist colliding with the skin around my eye.

I cry out in pain and drop the ice, holding my eye. He breaks down again, begging me to forgive him. I calm him down and put away the ice pack for fear of making him angry again.

Boyfriend Difficulty [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now