Chapter Two: A Slushee Problem

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Kurt's POV

It's been a few weeks and I've slipped up many times. Chandler doesn't mean to hit me, but he does. I brush it off, it's always because I do something insensitive. I can't leave him, though, nobody else will love me. I've considered it, but he's sure to remind me in his rages.

He's offhandedly made comments about what I eat, and when he gets angry he calls me fat. He's not wrong, so I went on a diet. We also go on runs together, which is nice.

I've been covering up my bruises with makeup, so nobody notices them.

I'm walking down the halls when Karofsky throws a slushee at me. I panic, knowing that my makeup is probably running off. I run to the bathroom, seeing people's shocked faces.

I look in the mirror. I'm covered in red ice and my makeup is coming off, revealing purple, green, yellow, and blue patches on my face. I quickly wash off the slushee, looking at how horrible and multi-colored my face is.

I didn't think to pack concealer in my school bag. What should I do? My dad is probably at the shop, I can't have him pick me up because he could see my face. I can't drive home because he would get a phone call. I can't stay here like this, I'd get too many looks.

"In need of some assistance?"

I jump, looking to the doorway when I hear the voice.

Leaning on the doorframe with a tube of concealer in her hand is none other than Quinn Fabray.

"Um, yeah, thanks," I stutter.

"Don't worry. I saw you get slushied and run off, and we have a similar skin tone, so I figured you could use some help covering up those bruises. I don't want to pry, so I'm just going to ask one question: Karofsky?" As she says this she walks over to me, pulling a blender out of her purse and applying the makeup to my face. I wince as it comes in contact with the bruises, some are quite recent.

"Um, yeah, him and some football jocks. I don't want anyone to know though, I can handle it," I lie.

"Don't worry. I think you should tell them but it's not my place to let them know, so I won't. I'm sorry you have to go through all of this, you're so brave to put up with it."

Brave? Me? You call someone who's called the Trevor Project more times than they can count brave? Nevertheless, I thank her.

When she finishes putting on my makeup, I look in the mirror. "Thank you so much, Quinn. I can't see them at all."

"No problem. I'm glad to help. Now come on, before we're late for class."


When I get to glee club, they've moved all the chairs into a circle and Mr. Schue isn't there yet. I walk in cautiously and sit down in an empty chair in between Quinn and Tina. "Um, what's with the chairs?" I ask. They all look at me and I suddenly feel uncomfortable under their searching gaze.

"Kurt, you were recently seen hit with a slushee, and the ice and water proceeded to reveal several bruises on your face before you ran off," Rachel said.

"Please don't tell me this is an intervention," I say.

"You bet your ass it is, Lady Hummel. So what's going on?" Santana asks.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I say automatically.

"Obviously not," she scoffs.

"You probably just saw the slushee and it looked like I had bruises," I say quickly.

"Hummel, your face was a frickin' rainbow. Red, green, blue, yellow, purple, even a little orange. Don't tell us we're seeing things," she says, throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation.

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