Chapter Four: Finn Finds Out

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Third Person Pov

The next day at glee club, Kurt doesn't show up. They take the opportunity to talk about him.

"What do we do?" Rachel asked worriedly.

"Finn, you're his brother, can't you follow  him and see who's hurting him? I'm not an idiot, I can tell he still wears makeup. And despite how he said he wasn't bruised when we saw the hickeys, I think we all saw fading yellow from almost healed bruises." Everyone agreed with Santana, looking to Finn.

Finn nodded. "Yeah. I'll try to see what's going on. Maybe if we weren't all here he'd talk to me?"

"It's worth a shot," Rachel said optimistically.

"I'll see if I can catch him before Burt gets home." Finn headed out to his car, running through what to say while he headed home.

When he pulled in the driveway, he noticed that Chandler's car was parked across the street- so much for catching Kurt alone. Maybe he had told Chandler who was hurting him?

It was his best hope. There's no way Kurt would tell him.

Finn was about to unlock the door when he heard a cry of pain and froze.

That's Kurt.

He heard Chandler rapidly apologizing, saying he didn't mean to, that he got worked up sometimes- and Kurt saying it was fine. Kurt forgiving him.

Finn soundlessly unlocked the door, stepping inside. Chandler was still apologizing, even though Kurt had forgiven him. Finn didn't know what he was apologizing for- until he heard Kurt's voice speaking again.

"Chan, Chan, it's fine. You're my boyfriend, I can understand that you get worked up sometimes, I know you didn't mean to hit me."

Hit... him. Hit- Kurt.

Everything clicked into place in Finn's mind. The bruises, Kurt sleeping with someone way before he usually would, Kurt not telling them who was hurting him...

It all came back to one person. One single, little shit who was screwing up Kurt's life.

Finn swallowed nervously, opening and closing the door. "Kurt? I'm home, glee ended early."

He heard the voices stop abruptly. "Hey, Finn," Kurt called. "We're in the kitchen."

Finn walked into the kitchen, smiling pleasantly at Chandler. "Get out."

"What?" Chandler and Kurt asked in sync.

Finn kept the smile on his face, the anger in his eyes boring holes in Chandler. "You heard me. And you better get out of my house this instant and never come near my brother again or you will regret it."

When Chandler didn't move, Finn kept speaking. "You have five seconds. 5... 4... 3..." Chandler quickly scurried out of the kitchen, and Finn heard the front door slam. "Two and one," he finished.

He turned to Kurt, his smile falling into a worried frown. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked softly.

Kurt seemed taken aback, waving his arm towards the door. "Finn! Why the hell did you just kick out my boyfriend!?"

"Kurt, he was hurting you," Finn replied, shocked that Kurt seemed so upset.

"Finn, you can't kick him out! He never meant it!"

"If he hits you, it's an abusive relationship, Kurt," Finn explained delicately, not sure why Kurt didn't get it.

Kurt shook his head in shock. "What? He? No! Finn, he is not abusive! He's the sweetest boy I've ever met! He'd never hurt me!"

"Is that what you told yourself when he punched you? When he hit you? When he raped you?" Finn said the last sentence with difficulty.

"That doe- He wou- he didn-" Kurt became less and less confident with each word. "Oh god, he was abusive, wasn't he? I don't get it, he was always so sweet to me. He always apologized, saying he didn't mean it- but who loses their temper that much?"

"Someone who actually has perfect control of their temper," Finn answered softly.

Kurt hugged Finn, and when he spoke, his words were muffled. "How do I break up with him without him hurting me?"

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