Chapter Three: It's FINE: Forever and Insanely Not Excusable

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Kurt Pov

When I wake up, I feel sore and achy all over. I'm not excited to go to school, specifically sit down all day, but I have to to avoid suspicion.

I see I have a text and open my phone.

From: Chan
I'll see you at school today! Last night was fantastic. XX

I'm not stupid, I can hear the threatening undertones. That's what he wants me to think, to act like, as if I enjoyed it.

I'd better show up to school, so I don't make him angry.

I get ready for the day, walking stiffly around. I practice trying to walk without limping, and eventually I get the hang of it and head to school.

When I enter the school, I'm greeted by Puck.

"Ooh, looks like Lady Hummel got some!" he exclaims, being an expert at noticing when people have slept with someone by sleeping with practically every girl in Ohio.  It doesn't matter how well they hide it, he'll know.

There's no teachers around, so I flip him off. "Can it, Puckerman," I say venomously, walking to my locker. He looks shocked.

Chandler is waiting at my locker for me, smiling. "Hey, love."

I return the smile. "Hi, Chan."

I get out my books, and he frowns slightly. "Why are you wearing makeup? Do you not want anyone to see the 'gifts' I gave you?"

"Oh! I just wanted to avoid awkward questions, you know." He seems to understand and I sigh internally. The last thing I need is him to be mad at me.


When the last class the of the day ends, I debate whether or not to go to glee club.

I start walking to the choir room, knowing they'll get suspicious if I don't show up.

As soon as I walk in the door, water is flung at me.

"Rachel!" I hear Mr. Schue yell. I wipe the water out of my eyes, glaring at her.

"Can you give it up already? My face isn't bruised!" I say angrily.

I hear Puck laugh. "Your neck is. I knew you got laid."

I roll my eyes. "I stand by my actions earlier. Can it, Puckerman."

"You aren't denying it," he points out. If it weren't for the presence of Mr. Schue, I would flip him off again.

"Are those hickeys?!?" Rachel asks in shock.

I roll my eyes. "Very astute, Berry. I think we've covered my personal life enough today, yeah?" I take my seat, used to the pain it elicits and cross my legs.

They just stare at me in disbelief. "Dude, I thought you'd be, like, married," Finn says.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes again. "Anyway, Mr. Schue, the lesson?"

I seem to snap him out of his trance and he starts glee club, though the others keep throwing glances at me.

When the class ends, I try to leave the classroom quickly, but Finn stops me.

"Kurt, what?" he asks, looking completely confused.

I raise an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"

It's so hard to keep up this facade that I'm fine, that it was consensual, when I feel like breaking down crying.

"You..." He trails off, gesturing to my neck.

"Please, it's not like you haven't slept with Rachel already. It's not abnormal." I start to walk away, but his words stop me.

"I haven't." I turn back around.


"That's why I'm so shocked. Nobody, except Puck, has yet. I didn't expect you to... It's just so early." He shakes his head.

I sigh, wanting to tell him that I agree, that I thought it was too early as well. "It's not that shocking."

I walk away again, and he doesn't say anything else.

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