Chapter Six: Confessions

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Kurt's POV

When I made it to glee club, I was a bit late. I was the last person there. I walked in the doorway and saw everyone sitting in their chairs, talking away, although they all stopped abruptly when I entered.

"Please, if you're talking about me, don't let me stop you," I say dryly.

Rachel stands up. "Kurt, you-"

I cut her off. "Rachel, don't tell me I was pictured fighting with Chandler."

"No, you were pictured getting your ass kicked by Chandler," Santana corrected.

"What happened?" Rachel asked worriedly.

I sigh. "I broke up with him, that's what happened. He wasn't too happy."


I take a deep breath. "I don't know where to start. I'm going to be transferring to a different school, far away from here but still in Ohio. Before you flip out, know that this isn't your decision. It's hardly mine. I can't be around Chandler any more. Yes, he was my boyfriend. Rachel, yes, I do have bruises all over my face. Quinn had kindly lent me some concealer before so I could avoid the awkward questions, thinking that the bruises were from being beat up by jocks. I lied to her, and Quinn, I'm sorry about that."

"These," I point to my face, "are from Chandler. Whenever I messed up, or was late, he'd hit me. I didn't tell anyone, because he always broke down in tears and begged me to forgive him afterwards, and I felt like I deserved it. Last night I couldn't sleep, so I woke up my dad and told him before I lost my nerve. So I'm transferring schools to a place with a zero tolerance harassment policy where he can't get to me. I just told I was breaking up with him, and as you can tell, he didn't take it too well," I finish.

Mercedes runs up and tries to hug me to comfort me, but I involuntarily flinch away from her touch. She doesn't try to hug me again but just tries to comfort me.

After I say goodbye to them all, I leave the choir room for the last time.

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