Chapter Two

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"Girl, I don't think I can do this."

Beyonce sighed over the speaker phone.

"Lashontae, stop playing. This guy is flying to Memphis just to take you out. Why can you not do it?"

I put my silver hoops in and did my wing liner.

"You're nervous and that's acceptable, but I think you'll enjoy this. You haven't been on a date in three years." She added.

"Maybe you're right."

We talked for another twenty minutes while I finished getting ready.

Once security from the gate texted me that the car to pick me up was pulling in, I wrapped up our conversation.

"My car's here so i'ma call you later."

"Don't just say that either. Actually call me when you get in, I need all the details." She said, "love you. Have fun."

"Love you too." I replied hanging up.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, grabbed a jacket for later along with my YSL bag to match my black leather stilettos and strutted outside.

The driver stood at the back driver side door of the black on black Lincoln Navigator.

"Good evening."

"Hi." I spoke as he opened the door for me to climb in.

Once my seatbelt was strapped, the driver slowly pulled out of my long ass driveway and off we went.

Along the ride, I texted my mom to check on the kids and passed the rest of the time by scrolling on Instagram.

Eventually, we pulled up to the Peabody, a luxury antique five star hotel and restaurant.

"Cute." I mumbled as the driver parked and came to open my door.

There were two security escorts standing at the entrance that walked towards me as soon as I got out.

"Good evening, Ms. Heckard." One of them spoke, "May we escort you to the rooftop? Your date awaits."


As I walked in, a few people noticed me and spoke.

I waved to a few of them before getting on the elevator.

When it stopped and the doors opened, the romantic view made me smile.

There was an intimate dinner table for two set up near the end of the terrace overlooking an excellent view of the city.

He stood there at the table in a linen white suit holding a bouquet of long stemmed red roses.

"Look at you." He spoke looking me head to toe as he licked his lips, "hey gorgeous."

Make it Last Forever Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now