Chapter Five

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"I think we're landing."

I pulled my EarPods out one at a time and opened the window shade.

Sure enough, the plane started to lower slowly.

"That sleep was everything," Steffon asked as he stood up to stretch, "how long you been up?"

"The last eight hours or so. I been working."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"My lil boss bae."

I chucked and closed my laptop before returning it to my Louis Vuitton knapsack.

After leaving Virginia weeks ago, I made up my mind to actually try to see where things could go with Steffon. The days of allowing Trey to keep my mind occupied with thoughts of what if were over. I realized that I was foolishly keeping my self prisoner while he was out doing whatever in the fuck he wanted.

When he stumbled into the room at April's and did all that extra shit, a light bulb clicked.

He thought he had me in his pocket. Like I was just some play thing to him.

That thought along fucking enraged me because I never took him for that type of guy. In the past, he always made me feel as if  what we had was more than that although we did have a very sexual relationship.

Steffon, on the other hand, was making a solid effort to show me what he wanted; me.

He was kind, handsome, focused, and funny in a sort of corny way.

We talked on the phone every day and most nights and he even flew me to Buffalo last weekend to meet some of his friends at a kickback he had at his place.

Although we were taking it slow, my sister had practically begged me to come on a couples trip that her and the girls planned this weekend.

While I didn't think he and I were ready for that, she convinced me that we could use the time and opportunity to continue getting to know each other. Plus, I'd get some much needed time with my girls.

So, here we were, in Bali for four days with my sister, her man, and a few other couples.

Once we landed, he grabbed my bag for me and held my hand as we carefully deplaned. Our things were loaded into the SUV that was taking us to the villa and we were off.

"Kinda nervous." He admitted.


"To meet your sister and friends. I'm sure they're protective of you. What if they don't fuck with me?"

His cute face actually possessed a look of timidity that made him adorable.

I leaned over and captured his lips in mine.

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