Chapter Four

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"Ouch Mommy, that hurts!" Anna squealed snapping me out of my thoughts.

I was braiding her hair up before bed and clearly had drifted off.

"Sorry princess."

I bent down and kissed her head where I hurt her.

I couldn't believe that bitch had come here.

Trey walked into the upstairs den and stood at the doorway nervously.

I held his eye with a menacing stare as I finished my last braid on Anna.

He'd conveniently been missing for the remainder of the day after his little hoe showed up.

"Where's TJ and Rose?" He asked.

"With Nana." Anna answered him.


He walked further into the room and sat on the loveseat.

"Can I go see what they're doing?" Anna asked.

I nodded.

Instantly, she jumped up and flew out of the room.

"Can I talk to you?" Trey asked once she was gone.

"No, you don't have to explain anything to me."

I gathered the comb, brush, and hair moisturizer that I'd been using and got up to walk out.

He stood and pulled me back towards him.

"Trey, stop."

Carefully, I moved out of his reach.

"Lashontae, that's my bad that she showed up. Honest to God, me and her are not together and I did not invite her here."

"You don't owe me that." I reminded him.

"I do," he corrected me, "I invited you this weekend and me and my family have enjoyed having you here. I'd never put you in an uncomfortable position like that."

"And although I appreciate that, I realize that maybe this wasn't a good idea."

He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Trey, you and I aren't together anymore. If you and her are dating or whatever, she should be able to come be with you if that's what you and her want. I don't wanna be the reason that...."

"We aren't dating. It ain't that type of situation at all." He spoke up.

I shrugged.

"That's not what it looks like to me."

"Baby, you...."

I exhaled and gave him a serious look.

"See, this is difficult for you." I said softly.

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