Chapter 1

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Hi everyone!!I missed you all and as an apology for being gone so long here is another story. Please support it with all the amazing comments that you leave and make sure to vote;) It's been so long since I've actually written so take it easy on me:) All the characters belong to J.R.R Tolkein! Except for Aranel, her father and Erie.

The high elves had assembled. Everyone was sitting in their chairs, secretly scanning the others around them. A few mumbled quietly amongst themselves while others remained completely silent. I stood by my father who was the hand of Lord Elrond. I watched as the double doors of the room flew open and an elf I had not seen before walked in. I looked at him and quickly made my assumption of what kind of person he was: an arrogant, egotistic jerk. He glided towards his seat at the end of the table with his crown imitating the silent turns of his head. I was very captivated just watching him because he had a presence in the room that seemed to hush everyone. I continued to stare and examine his blue eyes.

Lord Elrond stood from his seat.

"Thranduil, we are glad you were finally able to make it."

Thranduil sat up and stared coldly at Lord Elrond. It was worse than I thought. This guy was past egotistic. I assumed he had not been to one meeting but of course I wasn't sure because this was my first time attending one. I was only given the privilege this once, so in a sense I was glad Thranduil decided to show up. I had no idea of the world outside Rivendell. Staring at the same books and walls gets tiring after a while.

"We are here to discuss the issue that orcs are flooding in everywhere," he continued.

Another elf stood up.

"Well maybe if the great Elven King had actually come to a meeting this issue could be taken care of!"

"How dare you talk to him that way!" Another elf shouted.

It quickly turned into a shouting match and as much as I hated to admit it I was enjoying watching it. This was the most entertaining thing I had ever seen.


Thranduil's voice echoed and bounced off the walls. He did not have to yell to get everyone's attention back on him.

"As long as we protect our borders the orcs will not be a problem," He said.

"But what about everyone else?" I blurted out.

I slapped my hands over my mouth and backed up against the wall.

Everyone turned to glare at me. I really did it this time. Thranduil titled his head to get a good look at me. His long hair draped over his face as he looked into my eyes.

 "No one else matters," He said.

As he turned away I breathed a sigh of relief, but my punishment was just beginning. There was still my father and his entire wrath that I had to deal with. I could hear his voice first yelling at me for speaking out of place then the subject slowly transforming into why I don't have a husband, and I need to get my head out of the books and yada yada.

The meeting ended a matter of minutes later. Lord Elrond continued to talk to others which meant we had to stay until he was done. Trying to avoid my father I drifted out of the room and into the hallway. I began walking, admiring the change in atmosphere. Suddenly I was pushed against the wall. I looked up and into a sea of darkness.

"What is your name?"

I looked back at Thranduil, trying not to be tempted by the charm in his voice.

"No name then? How about I make up one for you? How about slave? No..I know! Worthless," He said chuckling.

"Yes worthless because cold eyes such as yours cannot see value in anyone else but yourself."

He paused.

"Interesting..No one has had the guts to speak to me like that. Of course that is probably because they were locked up before they had the chance."

I could tell he was testing me and honestly it was starting to annoy me, and my neck was starting to hurt from being held against the wall. As uncomfortable as it was there was strangely something I liked about it. The idea of having someone this close to me made me blush, especially a male, but of all the elves in the world fate picked the worst one.

"Aranel!" I heard my father call my name.

Thranduil chuckled as he said " Sina uye met."

I shivered in disgust and headed towards my father's voice. I saw him standing next to Lord Elrond. I walked up to them both and bowed my head slightly.

"It is nice to hear someone else's opinion other than our own. It was brave of you to speak your thoughts," Lord Elrond said smiling at me.

My smile was ripped apart by my father's words.

"I am sorry for my daughter Lord Elrond."

"No, the light shines brightly over her."

We walked towards our horses and I could feel someone continuing to watch me.

It has been a few weeks since the meeting and I could feel my body's energy getting drained. The past few days have been somewhat hectic. Lord Elrond has everyone working hard since a special guest is supposed to be coming. My father told me that I do not have to help but it was always better than doing nothing.

I walked over to my friend Erie and asked her what I could help with.

"Rinse the leaves and crush those herbs and get the forks out.." She continued on and on while I tried to keep up with what she was saying.

I ran around the kitchen trying to keep conversation with her but it was hard since everyone was busy with their own thing. After I did what she told me I left the kitchen and decided to observe if you could call it that. I snuck over to my bedroom which was only a hallway down from my father's office, but I could still hear what he was saying pretty clearly.

"Everything is ready for his arrival," I heard my father say.

"Yes, thank you Tiliken, but it seems we can never prepare enough," Lord Elrond responded.

I thought to myself about who the guest could be. Snapping out of my day dreaming I could hear the sound of multiple horses approaching. They were here, whoever they were.

Ah and there it is the first chapter of Entwined! So who could the guest be? What news will he find out? What is up with Thranduil? Please leave some comments or ideas of what you may want to happen I would love to include suggestions in the story!

Translation: Sina uye met: This is not the end

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