Chapter 3

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I personally think this chapter is really cute so tell me if you feel the same way!

It seemed that time was passing by faster and days were ending quicker than when they were starting. I contemplated telling father and decided it would be best to tell him now. Since I would be leaving him there should be nothing to hide.

"Ada..." I said to him during dinner.

"Yes Aranel?"                                               

"I have something to say about why the king is coming in a few days..." I stuttered.

"You know the reason and you did not tell me immediately?" His voice getting louder.

"He's getting married.."

"Aranel, how did you find out about this?"

I swallowed really hard.

"Because I'm marrying him."

My father just stared at me dumbfounded. I couldn't tell if he was happy or thought I had gone mad. He walked over and sat next to me.

"Aranel you don't have to lie to me. I'll stop insisting on you finding a husband," He said before leaving the room with a big smile on his face.

Great, he thought I was lying. Well, at least he would not be shocked when he finds out I was telling the truth.

The day of his arrival came and I was more nervous than I had ever been. I picked out one of my best dresses and proceeded to join my father and Lord Elrond outside. Surprisingly, Thranduil did not come with the big entourage he did last time. This time it was just him and his horse. I walked from my spot next to my father and stood next to Thranduil. He placed his arm around my waist very casually. I gave him  a look to back off a little but he shot me a warning.

"Lord Elrond, I have come to pick up my future wife," Thranduil said.

The ease in his voice made me feel like he had done this before but I knew that was not possible.

"Wife?" Lord Elrond asked puzzled.

"Yes, and we best be on our way," Thranduil said trying to rush things.

"Wait just a moment. When did this happen?" My father asked.

"Do not concern yourself with the small details. I will be taking your daughters hand. Surely you think I am a suitable husband."

"Of course your highness, but this is all so sudden."

"Thranduil, we must discuss this for a moment," Lord Elrond interrupted.

The three men once again shut me out of their conversation and I was left alone outside in the garden. Today is supposed to be the most important day of my life but it just feels like a complete mess. This is not how I pictured anything to go. I was going to marry some jerk and live like his puppet. Maybe there was still time for me to back out. I picked up a rose that had withered and fallen to the ground.

"How was it living your life stuck in the same place?" I asked it. "But at least you have others to keep you company.."

"Aranel, come." I heard Thranduil said.

"No need to boss me around," I told him.

He grabbed my hand rather forcefully and pulled me back inside.

"Let go! You're hurting me!"

"If you really don't want me to hurt you then you will do as I say."

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