Chapter 8

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Hello everyone, here is another chapter! I tried to do this as soon as possible because I'm sure you all are wondering what happens next. Again, thank you for the review, they are really sweet and I love the support! I'll keep writing if you keep reviewing;) Enjoy!

I looked over at my father who had a bright smile on his face. I didn't want to take it from him. I took both of Thranduil's hands.


I took a deep breath. I wasn't sure at first what I wanted to say but now I didn't even have the time to think about it.

"I love you," I said.

Thranduil smiled at me and I couldn't believe I actually managed to say that.

"Melin, Aranel."

I quickly just pushed my lips against his to get it over with, but once I did I felt a spark. There was something. I was lost in the moment as I put my hands through his hair and he brought me even closer to intensify things. I could hear my father cough and so I separated myself. I could feel my cheeks burning and I felt like I was going to explode in a ball of flame.

We walked down the aisle together hand in hand. I smiled at him still wondering if we looked believable but judging by everyone's faces they believed us. The dinner was excellent and soon came time for our first dance. Everyone cleared the large hall and the moonlight slipped in through a small window in the ceiling. I didn't want to dance at all.

"I have two left feet," I whispered to Thranduil.

"Just do this right," He whispered back.

I sighed and vowed to try my best. He placed his hand on my hips and I draped my arms on his shoulders. I felt like everything was going smoothly until I saw his face scrunch and I felt my heel dig into his shoe.


He ignored me and kept dancing. His face continued to scrunch as I kept stepping on his foot, and continuously apologized. It wasn't romantic at all because I could hear him in my ear telling me to learn how to dance better.

"Maybe if you would've taught me this wouldn't be happening," I said as we kept dancing.

"I don't have time to teach you such obvious things," He answered.

"Then make time," I said.

The song came to its conclusion and we separated from one another. Thranduil brought me around to each table to greet the guests and thank them for coming but I remained silent. At this point I was utterly exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep and honestly a bit bored. The last guest left.

"Alright, good night," I said to Thranduil, getting up from my seat.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"I'd like to go to my bed if you don't mind."

"You mean our bed," He said.

"No, I mean my bed."

"We're married now honey, so like it or not we're sleeping in the same bed," Thranduil said standing up.

"As long as you stay on your side and don't snore," I said with a small smile.

"Snore?" A king never snores!" He said sounding somewhat offended.

I had been in his room only once when he carried me there, so trying to wrap my head around the thought that we were going to share one room. One room, one bed, one everything, the thought taunted me. We walked inside and I immediately locked myself in the bathroom.

"What are you doing? Come out!" Thranduil demanded.

"I'm enjoying my last bit of privacy!" I yelled through the door.

I could hear him whispering loudly to himself.

After about 20 min of sulking in the bathroom and changing my clothes I got out and sat next to him on the bed. I sat as farthest to the edge as possible, trying to be the farthest distance away.

"You'll fall off the bed like that," He said.

"That's fine. I enjoy falling off beds, "I said.

"Come closer," He said speaking in a softer tone.

For some reason the tone of his voice caused me to immediately obey and I moved a bit closer to him.

"Touch me and you die," I said turning to look at him.

"Don't worry I wouldn't want to get my hands dirty," Thranduil answered. "But…"

"But what?" I asked.

"We have to consummate the marriage," He said rather quickly.

"You mean….?"

He nodded his head and I started to scoot back to the edge of the bed.

"No thank you," I said snuggling under the covers and pulling the blanket over my head.



He pulled the blanket from my face and grabbed my wrist. My heart began to pound harder. He pulled me so that our chests were touching and his hair tickled my nose. I thought he was going to kiss me.

"I won't make you do it," He said.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but I wondered what the motives behind his actions were.

"I'm not that cold hearted," He said.

I think it was the sound of his words but I gently kissed his cheek.

"Thank you," I said before turning around, not wanting him to see my red face.

Our backs were against one another and the blanket was warm but for some reason I was still cold. I shivered but tried not to make it obvious, I didn't want to wake him if he was already sleeping. I wanted to adjust myself but I tried to make it look like I was doing it in my sleep. I whipped my arm from my side and hit his head. That defiantly got his attention. I continued to pretend as I adjusted myself and I figured why not have a little fun? I felt my feet on his calves so I kicked them as hard as I could.

Thranduil nearly fell off the bed and I had to keep myself from opening my eyes and smiling. He must've believed me because he didn't say anything and I felt him place my arm around him. I slightly opened my eyes and could see him facing me. He sure fell asleep fast. I was very comfortable in his arms and soon drifted into a sleep.

I was just about to hit deep sleep when I was suddenly woken up by a loud noise. My body stiffened and I grabbed Thranduil's arm but he didn't wake up. The noise stopped but I was still worried someone was in the room. Then I heard it again and looked at Thranduil. He had his mouth open as he snored.

"Kings don't snore? Yeah right," I said to myself.

I sat up and tried to calm myself down. Suddenly, I started chuckling watching Thranduil snore. I wondered why he didn't force me to do it. Was it possible that he was changing?

Translations: Melin, Aranel: I love you Aranel

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