Chapter 4

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I had just gotten the dress, which was tighter than I thought, to get unstuck from my head when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see Legolas ready to escort me to dinner. What was the point of having a husband if he wasn't going to act like one? Legolas smiled at me.


I giggled at the expression on his face.

"Do I look that bad?" I asked with a smile.

"Ui. A lelyalmë."

I wrapped my arm around his and we walked towards the dining area. When we arrived I could see Thranduil was already sitting there, looking as he always did: annoyed.

"What took so long?" He asked hearing us enter.

He looked up and seemed like he wanted to suck those words back in. I sat down across from him and next to Legolas. We started eating and I could see him looking at his plate, but then something strange happened. For a moment, although faint I could've sworn he smiled.

"So…" I said trying to break the ice.

"Ah!" He said flipping his head up. "You have training starting tomorrow."

"Training for what?"

"Being a queen."

"You don't have a training manual or something I could read?" I asked.

Everyone at the table started laughing but Thranduil held his stern look.

Dinner ended with silence which at this point I was kind of getting used to it. I excused myself and began walking towards my room.


I stopped and turned around. Hearing him say my name caused butterflies to break free in my stomach.

"I will take you back to your room," He said without offering his arm.

"I'm guessing Legolas had a talk with you," I said to him.

"I'm the one who tells others what to do, not the other way around," He answered.

So we walked together until we reached the door.

"Goodnight," I said.

"Goodnight," He answered before walking away.

As I got into the new bed I found myself crying, I was doubting myself again. Training? I guess I underestimated this a little bit.

Erie woke me up the next morning and rushed me out the door to breakfast. Legolas, Thranduil and I sat at the same spots and ate quietly.

"Ada, I have some important matters to discuss with you," Legolas suddenly blurted out.

After he said this he gave me a look telling me to leave.

"What?" I asked with food still in my mouth.

They both stared at me.

"I'm going to be queen aren't I? Shouldn't I be allowed to hear these matters?"

"No," Thranduil said bluntly.

I got up and pushed my chair back in. It was stupid not including me, maybe I could've helped them. I began walking around when an elf who seemed to be out of breath grabbed my arm.

"There you are!" He said.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked.

"We're already late for your first class!"

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