Chapter 14:Fight

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The teacher had dismissed your class, Indicating the rest of the period are vacant. 

'Fuck I can finally eat!' your thoughts screamed as you quickly took your bag and went outside. not bothering to mind the stares of some students who were eyeing your sudden speed. 

"Oh hey, Y/n!" Rose called, gaining your attention as you walked towards them. "Let's go?" Lisa suggested, and you hummed in response. The three of you exited the school grounds, walking for a few blocks until you reached a rustic cafe.

"Their foods here are incredible, I say," Lisa remarked, smiling widely and playfully pretending to drool, which earned a chuckle from the two of you.

The quaint cafe exuded a cozy charm, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air. As you settled into a corner booth, you couldn't help but appreciate the supportive friends who had come to your aid earlier.

The atmosphere at the cafe was a stark contrast to the earlier tension at school. Laughter and friendly banter replaced the heated confrontation, creating a more relaxed and enjoyable setting.

Over cups of coffee and plates of delicious treats, you shared stories and light-hearted moments with Lisa and Rose. The cafe outing became a welcome escape from the drama, a reminder that amidst the chaos, there were moments of joy and camaraderie.

"It's actually our first time getting in trouble with those girls though" Rose said in between of your chit chats making you nod in response. "Anyway, Why are they suddenly targeting you Y/n?" she added making you smile awkwardly. "Did you perhaps annoy them on your first day of school..?" Lisa asked curiously sipping her coffee. 

"Well, you can't help it if your brothers are famous, now can they?" you replied with a wry smile. The reality of being the sibling of someone famous seemed to come with its own set of challenges, and it looked like you were already feeling the effects.

"Who..?" Lisa asked, looking at you as you stared at the floor. "BTS," you simply said, earning a few coughing fits from Rose.

You noticed this, and a bead of sweat formed on your forehead as you felt a bit awkward.

'Ah...' you thought, a bit apprehensive about how your friends might react to the revelation that your brothers were part of the globally renowned group, BTS. The possibility of them not liking the idea of getting involved with someone associated with fame and potential drama lingered in your mind.

Rose and Lisa exchanged glances, understanding the unique position you found yourself in. "I guess it's tough being related to them..." Rose commented sympathetically, Finally got her self out of the coughing fit. Surprisingly, your friends didn't seem too bothered by the chaotic situation you had found yourself in.

you felt the warm solace of the coffee you were drinking, happy that they didn't seemed too bothered by your chaotic situation. 

"You never really asked for that kind of attention," Lisa added, empathizing with your situation.

You sighed, "Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming at times. I just want to be treated like any other student."

The conversation continued as you shared your thoughts and experiences with your friends. Yes your friends-- unfamiliar as it is, you find their presence quite comforting. The rustic cafe became a haven where you could discuss not only the challenges but also the joys and quirks of your new life in this new world. As you sipped your coffee and laughed with Rose and Lisa, you couldn't help but appreciate the genuine connection you were building with them amidst the rollercoaster of events in your life.

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