(SFW) Mistletoe (America x Canada)

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Britain, America, Germany, and Canada were all in the meeting room waiting for the others to join the big meeting. Canada looked over to see America staring at him quite pervertedly. "America why are you staring at me like that?" Canada asked softly.

America Blushed, "I- um... No reason I was just staring off into space and I happened to be looking your direction that's all" he said quickly, then shoving most of the food he had in front of him into his mouth (cause squirrels that's why) Finally everyone else had made it to the meeting, Everything went as usual, France and England Fighting, Germany Yelling, Italy waving his white flags, you know the normal stuff. America ran into Canada a few hours after the meeting "Oh hey Canada I've been lookin for ya" America Shouted, "huh?" Canada headed over America who was holding a letter "what's that?" He asked. "Oh this is the invitation to my Christmas Party" America hands Canada the Letter "here ya go"

"Um thanks I guess... Who else are you inviting?" Canada asked curiously. "Well..." America blushes "I kind lied...its just you and me..." Canada can't help but blush ether "oh well I'll see you then.."

**two days pass and it's The fake party thingy**

Canada knocks on Americas door and is surprised by how quick it opens (it almost hits him the face, Literally) "Oh hey Canada I've been waiting for ya, come on in"

'The sparkle in Americas Eyes tells Canada something's up but he completely ignores it like the cutie pie he is and take the chance. America hugs Canada in welcoming way (not really it's a trap) Canada looks up to see a mistletoe "um I-" Canada starts but then is cut off by Americas soft lips on his, he never new America would ever like him this way nor did her think Vice Versa, Canada's eyes fluttered closed his body melting into the kiss. Then it ended just as quickly as it started, "Canada I I've been meaning to tell you this but I've never really known how but... I love you..." America said Planting a kiss on Canada's Forehead. "I-I love you too" Canada replied pulling America into another kiss.

A/N: I hope you liked it *says nervously*

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