The Best Big Time Life Ever

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chapter 1 big time rush meets Kathy

One day four guys were walking through town their names were Kendall,James,Carlos,and Logan. they were walking past a park with benches and a huge field when suddenly they saw a girl playing fetch with her dog but there was no dog all they saw was a girl facing towards the woods and calling "Go get it boy go get it." the guys thought she ws weird and crazy. Then all of a sudden a huge tiger came running out of the woods and running towards the girl. Then the tiger tackled the girl and started licking her face and since the girl was trying to push the tiger off of her it looked like the tiger was attacking the girl but was not. The guys rushed towards the girl and the tiger and they did not notice the collar around the tigers neck because they were so busy helping the girl from the tiger that they thought was attacking her. 

Then they saw the collar. "Do you own this tiger?" James asked the girl who was getting up off the grass. "yes" the girl replied. "COOL!!!" exclaimed Carlos. Suddenly the girl looked up and gasped "What's wrong?" asked Kendall "Nothing it's just that your Big Time Rush and your my favorite band and...." The girl stopped mid-sentance and looked at James. The girl and James stared at each other and instantly fell in love :) "What's your name?" asked James. "My name is Katherine it's Kathy for short though." said kathy. "I should be getting home for lunch would you like to join me?" "Sure." the guys said at the same time and off they went to Kathy's house with Kathy's pet tiger who's name was Saber following by their side.

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